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(Continued from page 6)                                manufacturer has their own proprietary plug.
                                                                They have to include a cable because none of
                                                                my other 20 cables will work with the darn thing.
         After blogs, this one was inevitable…you               I recently got a new cell phone. Same manufac-
         "twitter" (yes, it's a verb) by answering the ques-    turer, different model. You guessed it. I’ve got
         tion "What are you doing?" in 280 characters or        another USB cable in my collection. Wouldn’t it
         less. It looks like more of a fun thing than a seri-   be nice if everything had a standard plug and
         ous one as you can see from the example of             didn’t have the cable included? Think of the
         how little 280 characters is.                          money that could be saved. Wait a minute! Then
                            they couldn’t sucker people into paying $20 for 3
                                                                dollars’ worth of wire.
         This page is an incredible online learning site
         from the Goodwill Community Foundation. On             Another thing that makes me mad are End User
         the site, there are thousands of video lessons         License Agreements (EULA). I’m one of the few
         covering 125 topics, taught by professional edu-       people who research them before installing any-
         cators. Topics are geared to everyone from             thing on my computer. My complaint isn’t the
         kids, to college students, to people who want to       fact that lawyers write them by lawyers. I can
         learn English, or even adults who need to beef         use the internet to explain the legal terms. My
         up on job skills, like learning to write a resume      objection is that I have seldom found a EULA
         or using Microsoft Office.                             that can be read full screen. Instead they write
                                                                them in a little window that usually covers about
                                                                a tenth of my screen. I think this is done to dis-
         This is a place where you can write an ongoing         courage people from reading the agreements.
         blog documenting your travels. It's a great way        Just get them to click “I agree” and get it over
         to share stories and chronicle your trip.              with.
                                    I can live with SPAM (I usually don’t even see it).

         Here you will find an amazing amount of infor-         I don’t mind getting bombarded with internet ad-
         mation about films you have seen or wanted             vertisements (I can always go to other sites).
         to...complete story lines, a list of the top 100       What I hate it when websites pop up a window
         films and lots more to explore. If you are a film      asking for information that they will likely never
         buff, you will love this site.                         use. For instance, there is a website that I won’t
                                                                name that wants to know my age, sex and coun-
         Hope you enjoy exploring these; have fun out           try. They then store the data in a cookie on my
         there on the www, but remember to be safe!             computer. When I tell them that I‘m a 28-year-
         Aloha, Lou                                             old female, I get the same advertisements as the
                                                                dirty old men get. Why do they waste my time? I
                                                                also dislike software that isn't user-friendly.
          (Continued from page 3)                               Some programs have windows that can't be
                                                                resized. I'm getting older and my eyesight isn't
          What does all that have to do with computers          what it used to be. If I can't make the window
          and electronics? It got me to thinking about          bigger and read the font, I likely won't use the
          some things I hate about technology. I’ve prob-       software. Then there is software that won't let
          ably got 10 or 20 different USB cables in the         you choose where to install it. I don't install all
          junk box in my computer room. Every time you
          buy something that is USB supported, you get
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 4)
          another cable. Why is this? It’s because each

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