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L.C.A.C.E. Club Historian
programs into “program files”. Many times, I
don't even install them on the C drive.
History Report, 2019-09-14 Meeting
I wonder if Microsoft will ever fix one little thing
By Les Larkin
that has bugged me for as long as I remember.
When you use file explorer to copy, move or de-
lete a list of files; Windows estimates how long it
will take. If you’re doing an operation on a lot of
files, the estimated time will change every time Our September meeting was conducted by Phil
you check it. On older systems it can be even Bock.
more aggravating. Wouldn't it be nice if the esti- Linda Busch made the coffee, and she, as well
mate was close once in a while? as Liz Barnett, DeBorah Sirilla, also provided
Hate might be too strong of a word, but I’ve al- munchables for us.
ways disliked how companies will use a proprie-
tary document format. The perfect example is Fred Barnett and the Club each won $5.50 in
word processing. Why must each program have the 50/50 raffle. Judy Rehberger won the door
a different extension? Is it good for a business to prize.
make consumers remember .doc, .odf, .wps,
.docx, .odt, .txt, .rtf,.abw,.abi and hundreds of Last month's presentations:
others? Almost all word processing software has J.J. Johnson showed us a video of the Honor
a save as feature to save files to other formats. Flight that he, and many other veterans took to
They can’t be that much different. Why isn’t Washington,? D.C. It is a fitting, and well-
there a standard where all programs save in a deserved tribute to all those who defend our
standard format? After all, this idea seems to freedom.
work well for HTML internet files.
"Our 2020 Technology Plan" by Phil Bock. The
That’s enough ranting and complaining. Next many challenges we face concerning our ad-
month I promise to write something useful for vancing technology were addressed. To review
the newsletter. By the way, did I mention that the the presentation, you can click on this link:
two water filters had two different prices? Does
that remind you of anything else technology re- presentation/2019/2020TechnologyPlan.pdf
Keep on clicking and thanks for reading. Another great meeting, and I hope to see you
at our October meeting.