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February 2020  “Members Helping Members”                                          Volume 37, Issue 11

         Computer History                                        Andy Grove used their doctoral training in physics
                                                                 and chemistry to found Intel, a leading manufactur-
                                                                 er of integrated circuits. Alan Kay and others at Xer-
         Author: Leah Clark, President and Editor, Los Angeles Com-  ox advanced computer graphics, networking, and
         puter Society, CA
                                                                 printing. The Homebrew Computer Club in Menlo
         October 2019 issue, User Friendly                       Park, California, gave hobbyists a place to share                                          knowledge. Homebrew members Steve Jobs and
                                                                 Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer after
         leahjc (at)
                                                                 demonstrating their Apple I kit at the club.

         Recently I was in Washington D.C. While there, I
         visited the Smithsonian Museum of American Histo-       Early computers were big and expensive and re-
         ry. They had a special exhibit on computer history.     quired technically trained specialists to run them.
         There was a sign that read, “Unless you know the        Not surprisingly, only universities, big businesses,
         road you’ve come down, you cannot know where            and government agencies had access to these be-
         you are going.” I wonder where computer and other       hemoths. In the 1970s and ‘80s, Silicon Valley in-
         technologies are going? Here is some information        ventors changed the face of computing with the first
         from the exhibit.                                       “personal computers” small enough to fit on a desk.
                                                                 They created revolutionary features that we take for
                                                                 granted today — a hand-held input device called a
         Both corporate researchers and self-trained hobby-      mouse, a graphical user interface with overlapping
         ists played crucial roles in the invention of the per-  “windows,” and clickable pictures called “icons” —
         sonal computer. Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore and          and made computers less expensive and more
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 6)
         February 2020                                        1
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