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“Members Helping Members”

            April 2020                                                            Volume 38, Issue 01

                                                                 “Officer  Smith”  then  asked  if  these  were  my  ac-
           A Recent Scam Experience                              counts.  Upon  my  answering  No,  he  explained  he
                                                                 needed to know how many bank accounts and their
                                                                 approximate  balance  and  how  many  credit  cards I
                                                                 had and their credit limits. I responded with fictitious
                                                                 information of course. He advised me that this con-
         By Jeff Wilkinson, President, Sun City Summerlin Com-
         puter Club, NV                                          versation was being recorded and I was repeatedly
                                                                 told to listen to his instructions very carefully. When
         December 2019 issue, The Gigabyte Gazette               I told him in a frightened, exasperated voice that the
                                          accounts  he  described  were  not  mine,  he  wanted
                                                                 the  local  police  department  phone  number  so  he
         Clearmeadows11 (at)
                                                                 could call to see if we could clarify some additional
                                                                 information.  I  gave  him  a  fake  phone  number  and
         Recently I received the “Social Security” scam call,    he put me on hold; he came back a short time later
         the  recorded  message  informing  me  that  I  should   and said that the number I gave him was incorrect!
         call an 800 number because my account was about         “Officer Smith” then told me I could get the number
         to be suspended. I decided to play along and see        from the yellow pages or Google and said he would
         what  the  suspected  scam  pitch  was;  since  I  was   wait while I looked it up. When I asked why he didn’t
         99.99% sure that Social Security doesn’t call you.      have it, he exclaimed he did but was not allowed to

         I called the 800 number, exclaimed my surprise that     give  it  to  me.  I  looked  up  the  number  in  the  city  I
         there was a problem and breathlessly asked what         had claimed to live in and gave it to him; he again
         the  problem  was.  The  responder,  “Officer  Ronald   put  me  on  hold  and  returned  a  couple  of  minutes
         Smith” explained, in an almost unintelligible accent,   later.  He  said  he  had  a  senior  investigator  on  his
         that he was a senior investigator and I should get a    other line, and she would be calling me. I was to put
         pencil  and  paper  and  write  down  his  name  and    him on hold when she called. Then my phone rang!
         badge number, which he proceeded to give me. He         The call was from the number I had provided which
         then went on to outline the “problem” which includ-     was the number of the Palo Alto, CA police depart-
         ed  seven  bank  accounts  opened  under  my  social    ment! “Officer Smith” told me to put him on hold and
         security  number.  He  said  the  accounts  had  been   to add the new caller to the conversation.
         used  for  money  laundering  and  an  investigation    Throughout this entire 22-minute ordeal he had not
         was  underway  with  an  arrest  warrant  about  to  be   yet asked for any money or access to my computer.
         issued. In addition, there were multiple credit cards   I was tempted to continue the charade, but the lan-
         also  under  my  social  security  number  which  had   guage barrier became intolerable along with the lev-
         been linked to illegal activity.
                                                                                                      (Continued on page 4)

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