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(Continued from page 3)                                         network employing lower 5G frequencies
                                                                         that offer wider coverage but slower speeds
                ber that scammers try to rush you. Legit                 than the higher 5G frequencies being used
                                                                         by their rivals.
                people don’t.

            ·   Check it out. Before you act on something        In closing, please be careful and stay well!  For
                or share it – stop. Do some research. Do         some tech things to do while you are staying at
                the facts back up the story?                     home please refer to my recent Google Group email

            ·   Pass it on. If you get offered something         to all.
                great, or you’re worried about something         Phil
                alarming: talk to someone you trust before
                you act. What do they think?
                                                                 (Continued from page 1)
            ·   Keep in touch with the FTC. Sign up
                for Consumer Alerts to help spot                 el of minutia, so I ended the calls. Almost immedi-
                scams: And watch for the      ately  my  phone  began  ringing  from  an  unknown
                latest at                   800 number, over and over until I blocked the num-

            ·   Report scams to the FTC. Go to          ber. I believe the ploy was to obtain my information
                complaint. Your report can help us shut the      such  as  date  of  birth,  address  and  social  security
                scammers down..                                  number so they could steal my identity.

                                                                 Although I didn’t get far enough to determine the full
                                                                 scam,  I  was  very  surprised  that  they  added  so
         Notice the next to last recommendation.  I encour-      much  credibility  by  calling  me  back  and
         age you to sign up for FTC Consumer Alerts and to       “spoofing” (faking the Caller ID) of the actual police
         visit the FTC website at for tips and infor-    department  number  I  had  provided  and  they  had
         mation about how to protect yourself from scams         checked!!  As  we  know,  spoofing  a  phone  number
         and/or to recover if you have been scammed.             occurs often on junk and scam calls. This specific

         On the technology front, there is not much to re-       trick  could  cause  a  reluctant  mark  to  falsely  think
         port:                                                   they were maybe being too cautious. The scammer
                                                                 may  attempt  to  retrieve  your  date  of  birth,  name,

                                                                 address and partial social security number by ask-
             ·   There are some changes in the works for         ing throughout the conversation for you to verify the
                 Microsoft’s Office 365 productivity suite,      information. With those items, it is possible to initi-
                 which we should learn more about in the         ate  a  change  of  address  and  phone  number  with
                 coming months.
             ·   The Wi-Fi Alliance has established a            Social Security and then redirect your direct deposit
                 standard for Wi-Fi 6 and is offering certifi-   to a different bank.
                 cation to Wi-Fi hardware that meets that
                 standard.  Look for this “Wi-Fi CERTIFIED       Having  repaired  two  cases  of  scammers  gaining
                 6” designation on any new Wi-Fi devices         access  to  computers  that  week,  one  which  was
                 that you purchase now or in the future.         able to gain bank information and withdraw a four-
                 (BTW, this certification is based on the        figure sum of money from a retiree, I was interested
                 new IEEE 802.11ax standard; current Wi-         in experiencing the actual pitch. It can’t be stressed
                 Fi devices are based on the 802.11ac
                 standard.)                                      enough  that  allowing  remote  access  to  your  com-
             ·   A new Wi-Fi 6 variant is in the works.          puter from random phone calls, emails or web page
                 Dubbed Wi-Fi 6E, it will extend into the 6      screens is to be avoided. Also do not release any
                 GHz band pending regulatory approval.  It       personal information to unknown callers no matter
                 will offer even greater bandwidth than Wi-      how  official  they  attempt  to  sound,  with  so  much
                 Fi 6 and seems to me to be aimed at com-        information  available  in  the  public  domain  many
                 mercial applications rather than home use.
             ·   Wireless 5G continues to roll out (I think),    times only a small about of additional information is
                 but I haven’t seen very much about it other     needed to initiate an identity theft.
                 than T-Mobile’s ads touting their national
         April 2020                                           4
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