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Things have changed over the past few years as
           BACK TO BASICS                                        there are more options to open the file to READ it or
                                                                 to EDIT it. Your computer may suggest some inter-
           File Extensions  – Helpful and Not                    net sites or free apps that may be able to open the
                                                                 file for you.
                                                                 A good app like Microsoft Word may allow you to

         File Extensions  – Helpful and Not                      save your file as a different type of file – so you can
                                                                 pick one that is easier for more people to open. You
         Author: Jim Cerny, Forum Leader, Sarasota Technology    could save it as a “.pdf” or “.rtf” file type if you want.
         Users Group, Florida
                                                                 A “.pdf” file can be opened by many apps but usual-
         October 2019 issue, Sarasota Monitor                    ly, the contents, or text, of the file can NOT be edit-
                                         ed, only read. The “.rtf” file type (Rich Text File) can
                                                                 also be opened by several other apps and can be
         jimcerny123 (at)
                                                                 edited, BUT the text will have lost any formatting or
         So someone sends you a file attached to their email     options used in Microsoft Word.
         – you try to open the file and you can’t, why is that?
         I mean they obviously could open the file on their      Are you working with photo files?  Most photos or
         computer, why couldn’t you open it on yours?  Un-       pictures today are saved as a “.jpg” file type and any
                                                                 app that can open or work with photos will be able to
         fortunately, this is the frustrating part about FILE    open this file. That’s nice.
         EXTENSIONS (also known as “file types”).
                                                                 Here are just a few of the most popular file exten-
         If you use a program to CREATE a file, it is nice to
         have the SAME PROGRAM to open or work with              sions (types):
         the file you created. Naturally, if you use your com-   .doc or .docx – Microsoft Word
         puter to create a file then your computer has the       .html – webpage
         program needed to open the file later. The problem
         is when someone creates a file on their computer        .jpg – picture or photo image
         and sends it to you – you need to have a program        .pdf – a document file that can be open or read by
         that can open the file on your computer. Let’s look at   many apps but cannot be edited
         one example:
                                                                 .rtf – rich text file that contains formatting (the Word-
         I have the Microsoft Word app (or program) on my        pad app creates these files)
         computer and I create a new document with it. I
         save the document as a file, and the computer as-       .txt – plain text file will no formatting
         signs it a “file extension” or “file type” of “.docx”. The   .xls and .xlsx – Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
         file extension is always the last three or four charac-  There are probably many thousands of different file
         ters of the file name right after the dot. This indi-   types, but thankfully you do not have to know them
         cates that this file was created using the latest ver-  all. If you have any questions about a particular file
         sion of Word. If I send this file (as an attachment to   type, just Ask Google and you will find out what
         an email) to someone else and they do NOT have          apps could have created the file and which apps can
         Word, they cannot open the file!
                                                                 open or work with that file.
         It is an option in Windows whether to display the file   I know this all sounds a bit confusing, but you
         extension, so your computer may not show you the        should only run into a problem when you try to open
         file extension as part of the file name. To see the file   a file that you did not create on your computer.
         extension when you use File Explorer, open the File     Should this happen you may have to contact the
         Explorer app, click on the “View” menu tab and          person who sent you the file and ask them to send it
         check the box labeled “File Name Extensions”. This      to you again as a different file type – one that you
         will display the file extensions (file type) as part of   know you can open.
         the file name for all files.

         April 2020                                           5
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