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Hello, all                                             get your money or information. (None of those

                                                                things are real, by the way.) They’re asking for your
         The good news is that spring has officially started,   bank routing number to “help” you get your relief
         and the weather forecasts are calling for warmer       money – which is not how you’ll get it, by the way.
         temperatures.  The bad news is that we are being       They’re sending fake emails that look real, but
         discouraged to be out and about, and certainly not     those fake CDC or World Health Organization
         in groups.  As a result, we have had to cancel our     emails are trying to steal your personal information
         April LCACE meeting and it seems likely that our       – or, if you click a link, put malware on your comput-
         May meeting may also go by the boards.  (While         er, tablet, or phone. Scammers are calling (and call-
         reports from China are preliminary, there are some     ing…and calling…), using illegal robocalls to pitch
         indications that COVID-19 infections are increasing    you the latest scammy thing. They’re texting, and
         in Wuhan as life returns to normal.  If this turns out   they’re all over social media.
         to be true, we are likely to see continued pressure in
         the U.S. for social distancing and other actions to
         minimize contact between individuals well into May     So, while you’re washing your hands and working to
         and probably beyond.)                                  stay safe, here are a few ways you can help protect
                                                                yourself – and those you love – from scammers.

         Speaking of COVID-19, the Lake County Health De-           ·   Don’t be rushed. Whatever the call, email,
         partment publishes an online Coronavirus Update                text, or social media post is about, remem-
         that reports new cases, deaths and other related                                            (Continued on page 4)
         information.  While I realize that not all our members
         live in Lake County, you still may be interested is
         seeing what is going on here since that is likely to
         impact our ability to meet.  Vis-
         it for updates on
         COVID-19 in Lake County, guidance on preventing
         the spread of COVID-19, an interactive map of cas-
         es by municipality, and to sign up for the Lake
         County Health Department’s COVID-19 email news-

         On a related note, the FTC continues to warn every-
         one – especially seniors who are most at risk for         L.C.A.C.E. elections are
         COVID-19 and for scams of all sorts – to be on their
         guard. Here are excerpts from a recent FTC news-                  coming in April.
                                                                  Do your part, Volunteer

         Right now, scammers are scuttling out of their dark           to serve as a board
         corners to offer false hope (Home test kits! A cure!)
         and use fear (Your Social Security number is about                      member.
         to be revoked! Your loved one is in trouble!) – all to

         April 2020                                           3
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