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“Members Helping Members”

            May 2020                                                              Volume 38, Issue 02

         Author: Dick Maybach, Member, Brookdale Computer User Group, NJ
         n2nd (at)

         Many clubs have periodic general
         meetings, often with refreshments,
         speakers, and perhaps demonstrations
         or hands-on activities. The social inter-
         actions here, including the welcoming
         of prospective members, are vital for
         the organization’s health. Equally im-
         portant are the committee meetings
         that support the organization. Here,
         much smaller groups, whose members
         know each other well, plan the club’s
         activities, and it may be more efficient
         to conduct some of these as video con-
         ferences, which would eliminate the
         associated travel. There is a major ca-
         veat: teleconferencing is ineffective if
         there are tensions within the group.
         Meet in-person to discuss a controver-
         sial issue.                                            paid services, such as EZTalks (http://
                                                       and Zoom

                                                                ( Neither requires that users other
         There are two popular free services suitable for       than the moderator register for a service, but partici-
         meetings of small groups: Facebook Messenger           pants need to install the software. Both have trial
         ( and Skype         versions that limit conferences to 40 minutes, which
         ( Both require that partici-  is certainly adequate for testing.
         pants register for the respective service, and all can
         be accessed from Linux, Windows, and Mac com-          I’ll use Skype as an example, only because I already
         puters as well as Android and iOS devices. (These      use it for one-on-one calls. Microsoft is refreshingly
         free services are provided by for-profit companies,    open about what it considers fair use (http://
         and the usual caveat applies; they can be changed In particular,
         or discontinued any time their owners determine        “Group video calls are subject to a fair usage limit of
         they aren’t sufficiently contributing to the bottom    100 hours per month with no more than 10 hours per
         line.) If your club outgrows the scope of the free ser-  day and a limit of 4 hours per individual video call.
         vices, most vendors offer for-fee variants with more
         capabilities. You might also consider inexpensive                                           (Continued on page 5)

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