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(Continued from page 1)
                                                                Skype is different in that the moderator places a call
         Once these limits have been reached, the video will    to the participants, while other services require that
         switch off and the call will convert to an audio call.”   the participants call into a conference. The set-up
         See the above URL for the other, quite reasonable,     procedure varies with the version, and in Linux, it’s
         limits.                                                done by setting up a group chat. Select “Chats” in
                                                                the menu bar toward the upper left and the “+ Chat”
                                                                button, and finally “New Group Chat.” The result is in
         Skype’s interface varies with its version and your     Figure 2. Select either the round button at top right,
         hardware and software; as a result, what you see       or “Select More People” toward the bottom, and add
         may differ somewhat from the screenshots here.         participants from your contact list. Selecting the
         Figure 1 shows Skype’s opening screen, after the       camera icon at the upper right will start a video con-
         user has selected the Chats icon toward the upper      ference, and selecting the handset icon a voice con-
         left, and it shows one of Skype’s puzzles for new      ference. As the call begins, you will have an oppor-
         users. My name appears at the upper left, but you      tunity to ring the participants to alert them, which is
         must contact me by my Skype name, which is             probably a good idea.
         “skype,alias” and appears towards the bottom right
         of the welcome screen in the sentence, “You are
         signed in as skype.alias.” (If you are not on the
         opening screen, find your Skype name by selecting
         the three dots to the right of your name at the top of
         the left panel, and then “Settings” followed by
         “Accounts & Profile.) Skype names are unique, but
         a search on a  person’s given name will likely pro-
         duce dozens of hits.

                                                                Figure 2. Define a Group Chat.

                                                                Although Skype conferences can be as large as 50,
                                                                at most 10 of these can be transmitting video. This
                                                                isn’t as restrictive as it may sound, as the audio par-
                                                                ticipants still see the video. The screen is tiled, with
                                                                a pane dedicated to each active video participant.
         Figure 1. Skype Opening Screen.                        As a result, each added participant reduces the size
                                                                of all the others. Participants can disable their micro-
                                                                phones to reduce the background noise and can al-
         To communicate with someone you must first add         so disable their cameras, using icons toward the bot-
         their name to your contact list. Select “Contacts” in   toms of their screens, but these appear only when
         the menu bar toward the upper left, then select the    the cursor is active and on the Skype window. When
         + button; enter their Skype name, and select the       disabled, a diagonal line appears on the associated
         associated Add button. This will work only if they     icon. There is also a red handset icon here to termi-
         have enabled “Appear in search results.” (Go to        nate the call.
         Settings as above, then “Contacts” and “Privacy” to
         make this choice.) Many Skype names have the
         form “”, and sometimes        Skype’s interface varies with its version and your
         searches using the full name fail, but succeed if you   hardware and software, which may make it difficult
         delete the “” prefix.
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 4)

         May 2020                                             5
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