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App Store Permissions, Internet Self-Care, New Storage Space

                                             By Bob DeLaurentis SENIOR NEWS

         Q. I was tempted by an app on the Microsoft App        device. That means the problem is the network.
         Store but stopped when I saw the permission list:      Typical residential internet connec-tions use a mo-
         "Access all your files, peripheral devices, apps, pro-  dem and router. The modem connects the router to
         grams, and registry." Do I have to let them breach     the out-side Internet. The router shares the Internet
         my security?                                           across all the devices in your house. (Sometimes
            Any sort of restriction on applica-tions is a new   the modem and router are in the same box.)
         development. Since the early days of personal com-     As soon as you read this, go find those boxes, Look
         puting, every app had access to everything on the      at the lights on the front. Take a picture or a short
         device. Computing devices now record more sensi-       video for future reference. Awareness of what they
         tive personal infor-mation than ever before. This      look like when everything is working teaches you
         new reality imposes fresh challenges for device        how to spot prob-lems. For example, my Eero router
         manufacturers and app devel-opers alike.               has a green status light that turns orange if the mo-
         To cope with these changes, devel-opers have to        dem connection is offline.
         justify why each _app needs specific capabilities,        the Internet is not working, restart the modem
         and these justifications have to be presented to       and router.   you cannot find a switch, pull the pow-
         consumers. Only you can decide if an app's fea-        er plug for a few seconds. These devices are de-
         tures are worth its intrusions into your personal life.   signed to reset when the power cycles, and they
         The system we have now needs to get a lot better.      take about a minute to restart.
         App permissions often read like a word-salad of           restarting the devices does not work, it is time to
         tech speak. Users are asked to approve activities      contact your service provider. Slap   Post-It note
         with little context about the real-world implications   on the router with the contact number for tech sup-
         of each request.                                       port today, because locating that number once the
         Unfortunately, apps need access to private infor-      Google is inaccessi-ble can be difficult.
         mation in order to function. Drawing the line be-
         tween what is acceptable and what is not will take     Q. The storage on my laptop is nearly full. Is there
         years.                                                 reliable external device I could use to expand my
         About the only reasonable option for most people is    available space?
         choose apps from companies with reputations for        A. I’m a huge fan of the Samsung T5 SSD.  These
         hon-esty.                                              range in size from 25GB up to 2TB. The best value
         I am hopeful that in the long-term permission lists    right now is the 1TB size, which Is usually available
         will help users better protect their privacy.          for less than $100.
                                                                I have been using several of these drives for nearly
         Q. When the Internet connection in our house stops     two years now, and they have performed flawlessly.
         working, is there any-thing we can do before calling   The USB 3.1 Gen2 port is very fast. The T5 is com-
         tech support?                                          patible with Windows and Mac. It does not require a
            Despite the wide variety of serv-ice providers,     separate power cord which is especially convenient.
         there are some universal steps that will clear up the   About the only concern I have it that the T5’s small
         majority of outages.                                   size makes it somewhat easy to misplace. The de-
         When the Internet stops working, check to see if the   vice is not much larger than a couple of SB jump
         problem is a single device or all the devices on your   drives.
         home network. Make sure the devices you check          I suggest you move a category of less-used file onto
         are using the house Wi-Fi. Some devices will fall      the T5. That way you do not need to keep the exter-
         back on a cellular con-nection if the Wi-Fi is una-    nal drive connected at all times.
         If a single device is acting up, restart it. That fixes
         the problem in a lot of sit-uations.
         Let's assume. the problem is not lim-ited to a single

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