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Best webcam

         for home video calls

                                  The new norm to keep in
                                  touch with friends and family
                                  is video calling. Over the pass
                                  couple of weeks, I’ve attend-
                                  ed several Zoom meetings,
                                  and I’ve notice some of the   Best free music services in 2020
                                  attendee had very poor video
                                                                You do not have to spend a lot of money to listen to your
                                  representation on screen
                                                                favorite music. During this pandemic, many of us are ei-
                                  caused by the type of
                                                                ther binge watching Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime, but
                                  webcam they were using.
                                                                once you’ve starting re-runs, then it’s time to settle down
         Some are using their camera phone or laptop, and these
                                                                and listen to some of your favorites music.
         are not always the best webcams to use.
                                                                ZDNet has compiled a list of some of the most popular
         Although most laptops have a webcam built in, there are
                                                                FREE music you can stream on your faviorte device. Yes, I
         still reason you might want a better position or audio
                                                                said FREE and we know most of the services you have to
         and better video resolution.  For those of us with desk-
                                                                pay for, but they also offer free trials, but this list are ser-
         tops, then we need a webcam to communicate with the
                                                                vices that are completely free.
                                                                FREE services
         I recently read a article from Digital Camera World and
         they gave me a list of the best webcams for home use.

           March 2020 Videos

           Windows 7  EOL: What Are My Options?

           How to Create a Podcast                                 L.C.A.C.E. elections are

           Introduction to Home Automation
                                                                           coming in April.
           The Future of Technology
                                                                  Do your part, Volunteer

           Getting Started in Genealogy
                                                                       to serve as a board
           The Browser – Your Most Important App
           What will 5G mean to you

         May 2020                                             6
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