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pharmacy to those who need to have their prescriptions   says. Still, play it safe by asking your health care pro-
         filled and delivered.                                    vider or their office staff about coverage before you
                                                                  schedule an appointment, or what the total cost will be.

                                                                  What happens during a telemedicine appointment?

                                                                  During a telehealth consultation, Dr. Brightman asks
                                                                  her patients questions about their medical history and
                                                                  current symptoms to decide the best course of treat-
                                                                  ment. She never asks a patient to disrobe, but they can
                                                                  send her a photo (without any identifiers) if they are
                                                                  concerned about a visible finding. “This can help me
                                                                  make a diagnosis and work out whether or not it can be
                                                                  treated remotely or requires an office visit. “Typically,
                                                                  nobody else is present when I host a telemedicine vis-
                                                                  it,” she adds.

                                                                  If she decides that a patient needs an exam, she encour-
                                                                  ages them to come to the office, where all precautions
         What do I need to do telemedicine appointments?          have been taken regarding social distancing, hand hy-
                                                                  giene, and personal protective equipment (PPE) where
         If you’re happy with a phone consultation, all you need is   appropriate.
                What new features will the May 2020 update include?
         a phone. If you’d prefer a face-to-face consultation, you’ll
         need a smartphone, tablet, or a computer with a webcam.   Dr. Kunen starts a Zoom consultation by asking her
         To ensure a positive, productive telemedicine experience,   patient what their chief concern is. She then examines
         Dr. Levy says the most important thing is to check your   their teeth and analyzes their bite before providing a
         WiFi is working properly. “One of the biggest issues is an   diagnosis. “I explain the Invisalign product and process
         appointment being sidetracked or ultimately cancelled due   to the patient and answer any questions they may
         to poor WiFi connectivity,” he says.                     have,” she says. After the consultation, the practice’s
                                                                  treatment coordinator contacts the patient to discuss
         Just as you have a private, quiet space when you meet with   financials and the next steps.
         your health care provider in their office, it’s a good idea to
         do the same at home. Dr. Levy suggests a well-lit space   Can my partner or friend listen in for support?
         where you’re not likely to be disturbed. On that note, it’s a
         good idea to let others in your home know ahead of time   It’s absolutely fine if you want your partner, family
         that you’ll be unavailable during your appointment time   member, or roommate to be present during your tele-
         frame.                                                   health appointment. “I have had several telemedicine
                                                                  appointments with young teens who have wanted their
         Any other preparation, such as checking your weight or   moms present during the visit,” says Dr. Brightman.
         your temperature, really depends on the specific health   “Having a family member present can also be helpful
         questions you have. To give your doctor an accurate health   when it comes to obtaining a family history or review-
         history, take note of any symptoms and their duration,   ing a course of treatment.”
         Kevin Ban, MD, chief medical officer at Walgreens,
         tells Health.                                            Dr. Kunen always encourages her patients to invite a
                                                                  friend or family member to be present. “I want consul-
         Do all insurance companies cover it?                     tations to be fun and comfortable, whether they’re done
                                                                  in person or virtually,” she says.
         Not necessarily. “As telehealth has become even more
         critical to help address medical needs during the corona-  When should I stick with an IRL visit?
         virus outbreak, the government, health plans, and provid-
         ers have begun instituting new policies and technological   “Telemedicine can support many acute care needs and
         advances to make it more accessible to patients across the   illnesses, but it’s not appropriate in some circumstanc-
         nation,” says Dr. Ban. For instance, the federal govern-  es,” says Dr. Ban. “For example, patients can’t undergo
         ment recently passed legislation expanding the availability   procedures or receive imaging tests remotely.” And
         of services provided through telehealth under Medicare.    telemedicine is never a replacement for an in-person
                                                                  appointment for patients who are extremely ill and re-
         When you call the doctor’s office to make or confirm an   quire urgent medical attention, or who have symptoms
         appointment date and time, staff will verify your insur-  that could indicate a serious and urgent issue.
         ance, make any necessary updates and, if applicable, take
         payment for your co-pay over the phone, Dr. Levy

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