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Smartphone, Zoom Privacy, HBO and Data Caps

                                                    By Bob DeLaurentis

            Q. Which mobile phone is the best value?            problem prevents you from getting your work done,
            A. Although many options exist in the smartphone    or if a product or vendor ignores security vul-
         market, one choice stands above all the others: The    nerabilities over a sustained period of time, that is a
         2020 iPhone SE.                                        signal that it might be time for greener pastures.
            I am so impressed by the new iPhone SE that I·      My advice is to pay attention news reports, but do
         believe it should be the first phone anyone consid-    not jump to another product lightly. Similar products
         ers, even current smartphone owners who want to        have security issues too.    .
         upgrade. It is simply that good. ·                     Today we need to connect with one another now
            Technology refinements over the last few years      more than ever, and Zoom is one of the best ways
         have created a revolutionary. landscape for con-       to do that.
         sumers. The iPhone SE capably matches top of the
         line phones from a few years ago for less than half       Q. I feel lost whenever I try some-thing new with a
         the price. Even more astounding, the iPhone SE         personal tech device. Are user manuals gone forev-
         has a faster processor than any Android phone ever     er?
         made.                                                     A. I remember the days when com-puter software
            The base model iPhone SE packs more than            was sold in boxes stuffed thick with manuals. I also
         enough power for any user, and there are only a        remember bookstore tech shelves that contained
         handful of add-ons worth considering. An external      thousands of books explain-ing everything you could
         case can be nice but is not necessary'. I strongly     ever want.
         recommend adding AppleCare for         a month. If        That era has passed, but we are not as bad off as
         you expect to. take a massive number of photos         it may appear. There is a lot of help if you know
         and videos, an extra $50 will double the internal      where to look for it.
         storage, which is a worthwhile luxury.     .              Every smartphone, tablet, and lap-top has at least
            The iPhone SE is the only Apple phone that still    one manual available online. For most hardware,
         uses a fingerprint to unlock the screen. Differences   one of those little slips of paper in the box  have a
         in phys-iology make TouchID troublesome for a          link to a PDF document that you can download.
         small group of users, so if this is your first TouchID      The next option is to look on the [internet. Try
         device, use the exchange policy if the phone does      searching for the name of the product, the operating
         not meet your needs.                                   system name, and the phrase "user guide" or
            Premium smartphones continue to push the lead-      "getting started." For example, "MacBook Pro Catali-
         ing edge of technology forward, but the iPhone SE      na user guide" or "Android 10 Pixel 3 manual."
         has nar-rowed the performance gap signifi-cantly.         Another place to find support is the help menu
         An iPhone SE is a bargain-priced workhorse that        built into most apps. These menus usually provide
         you should con-sider for your next smartphone.         another link to a PDF manual, along with links to the
                                                                manufacturer's web site, tutorials, and context spe-
            Q. I have read horror stories about privacy with    cific help.
         Zoom conferences. Should I be concerned?                  The bottom line is that great docu-mentation still
            A. In December 2019, Zoom had 10 million · daily    exists, but it is usually hard to find.
         users. In March, their daily users numbered over       outside with a camera.
         200 million. That twentyfold increase attracted a lot
         of attention, including headlines about security is-   Q. How do I disinfect a smartphone or tablet?
         sues.                                                  A. Manufacturers usually publish guidelines for their
            Security issues can be found in any tech product    products, and you should follow them. The most
         that includes software.   other words, every tech      common advice is to avoid using too much liquid by
         product. However, from a practical perspective,        applying it first to a clean, lint-free cloth. Use a disin-
         most of these red flags are not especially wide-       fectant solution that contains at least 70% alcohol.
         spread. And in Zoom's case, its problems have          Never use bleach or similar strong chemicals.
         been addressed.                                           Products intended for cleaning screens do not dis-
            So how does a consumer identify the problems        infect, even if they contain alcohol.
         that he or she really needs to worry about? If the                                         (Continued on page 17)

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