Page 13 - 2011
P. 13

watch detected that I suddenly fell and was unable    can track every site you visit, is kept in the dark. All
         to respond, it would notify emergency services. It    they “see” is an encrypted channel between you and
         guides me to wash my hands for a full 20 seconds.     the VPNs entry point.
         It also reminds me to stand up if I have been sitting   VPNs impact performance increase cost and are
         at my desk too long. At a glance, I view the current   complex to understand, so I steer most people eaway.
         time, sunset time, the current temperature and        But if you are extremely concerned about personal
         wind, air quality, exercise progress, and water con-  security, or want to explore streaming video from oth-
         sumption, all on. one screen. I set my phone on a     er countries, they are the right tool for the job.
         table and use the watch to trigger the camera. Now    For a close look at VPN technology, the page covers
         our group family photos include everyone. And fi-     the details:
         nally, it reminds me when it is time to slow down at   logging/.
         the end of the day and then tracks my sleep over-
         night. The watch has become my most essential
         piece of gear. None. of the features I use require
         the latest, m.ost expensive model, nor do they re-
         quire the pricy cellular option. Apple released new
         watches in September that fit a wide range of budg-
         ets and features. The best value by far is the $279
         Apple Watch SE.
         Q. Is there a reliable rechargeable "AA" battery
         suitable for small devices like clocks and remote
         A. Modern rechargeable batteries are a wonder.
         We are a long way ·from the fussy nickel-cadmium                         Create and Learn
         batteries of days past. Most commonly available        You can enjoy this site with our grandchildren or turn
         under the brand name envelop, modern AA batter-        them loose to explore on their own. Scratch provides
         ies use a different chemistry than the lithium batter-  tools that let kids create animations to make games, car-
         ies found in phones and laptops. They behave
         more like disposable alkaline batteries; except they   toons, and music.
         are rechargeable. I have used ·Panasonic envelope
         batteries throughout my household for a decade.                Search for Movies and TV Programs
         They work well just about This anywhere disposa-       Search this site to discover which streaming services host
         ble alkaline batteries are used. With many devices     your favorite shows. Create and account to set up a
         they, often require only a single charge per year,     watchlist across multiple services, plus recommendations
         and they last more years than I can count. Inter       based on the shows you
         There are several varieties of now eneloop batter-
         ies, including Lite and Pro versions, optimized for
         long life and power output. They come in two sizes,             On-Demand Assistants for Seniors
         AA and AAA, and there is a kit you can. use to         Papa is a service that connects seniors with "Papa Pals"
         adapt the cells to fit C and D-size when needed. sol    to provide companionship and help with everyday tasks.
         Q. What is a VPN and how is it are e used?             Papa is available in l 7 states, and plans to expand na-
         A. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), create private     tionwide by 2021.
         Internet connections are t using public networks.
         They are typically used to enhance privacy and this                    Community Texting
         security.                                              Community is a social media service built around cell-
         When the early Internet was a university network,      phone text" messages. You can lead your own group or
         security was not a priority. Eventually jobs like      join a community listed in the directory. This relatively
         online banking has made private connections es-
         sential.                                               new service is best for people with an early-adopter
         Today, when you log on to a bank, not your device      mindset and unlimited text messages.
         establishes a secure connection to that bank. The
         data you with share is encrypted and cannot be un-                        Poolside Radio
         derstand by anyone except the bank.                    This site is pure nostalgia, from songs that evoke a sum-
         This type of connection is a private network be-       mertime pool party to visuals that harden back to the
         tween you and the bank.                                previous century. Worth a visit just to experience what
         A VPN expands that type of connection to every         computer screens looked like 25 years ago.
         site you visit. As a result, your identity is masked.
         Even your internet service provider, which right now

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