Page 12 - 2011
P. 12

Refreshing Old Computers, Unwanted WiFi Alerts, iPhone Sceurity

                                                    By Bob DeLaurentis

         Q. I  have  several  old  computers  in  my  garage    All smartphones have some sort of Wi-Fi settings
         that  are  just  tak-ing  up  space.  Before  I  send   screen. There are differ-ences between models and
         to the recycler, I wonder if there is anything useful I   software versions, but essentially you want to tell
         could do with them.                                    the phone which network it should join.
         A. Working from home and remote learning has           There should also be a setting for
                                                                what to do if the regular network is unavailable, such
         increased the demand for computers everywhere.         as to ask for a differ-ent network, join the nearest
         As I have noted before, the fate of old hardware is    open net-work automatically, or remain silent. Get-
         that it often stops being useful long before it stops   ting these settings correct should stop the list from
         operating. Fortunately, there is a whole cottage in-   appearing.
         dustry of developers who try to breathe new life into
         old hardware.
         Try converting that old computer into a Chrome-        Q. Why should I update my iPhone's operating sys-
         Book (laptop) or ChromeBox (desktop). Chrome is        tem every time it asks?
         best known as Google's Web browser. Chrome OS          A. Keeping your software up to date is the first line
         a completely different product however, one that       of defense for maintain-ing your privacy and keeping
         supports Google's vision of cloud computing.           your per-sonal information secure.
         Besides flexibility and low cost, computers that rely   This fall's iOS 14 update, which should already be
         on Chrome OS need only simple hardware because         available when you read this (or shortly thereafter),
         nearly everything important happens on the net-        has a large number of improvements related to pri-
         work.  you store your files on Google Drive, and       vacy. I have been using a test ver-sion for several
         the hardware suddenly stops working, your files re-    months, and here are several of my favorite new
         main safe in the cloud.                                capabili-ties.
         Neverware ( offers a free version of     It is now possible to share only your approximate
         CloudReady, based on Chrome OS. CloudReady is          location, so your weather app no longer needs to
         certified to run on a number of popular hard-ware      know your home address, just the city you live in.
         models, and it is possible to use it successfully on a   When you give an app permission to access your
         wide variety of uncertified computers by testing       photos, it does not get unrestricted access to every
         them yourself.                                         photo in your library. The update also adds a few
         Once successfully installed, a   Chrome OS com-        useful alerts, such as the trackers on a web page,
         puter is useful device these days. Consider donat-     the camera status, and if an app quietly peeks at
         ing it to a charity that will help find it a new home.   your clip-board.
                                                                That is not all, there are more safe-guards that in-
         Q. My phone began showing me a list of Wi-Fi net-      hibit user tracking which are less visible but just as
         works a week after I shared my phone number with       important. Taken together, iOS 14 is one of the most
         a neigh-bor. I did not change anything on the          privacy-focused updates in years.
         phone, but why would this happen only after giving
         out my number?                                         Q. What is the one tech gadget you would miss the
              I believe that the Wi-Fi list appearing is a coin-  most if it were suddenly gone?
         cidence. Considering how the phone works internal-     A. Of all the gadgets I own, the one I use most of-
         ly, there is no subsystem that connects those two      ten in my daily life is the Apple Watch. Here are the
         behaviors.                                             highlights: I use the watch to play music and pod-
         The most common reason that a phone displays a         casts. At most stores I pay- without touching any-
         list of Wi-Fi base sta-tions is because it has lost its   thing by waving my wrist above the card reader. The
         connec-tion to the Internet. That can happen for at    watch maps my daily walks and measures the dis-
         least a dozen different reasons beyond your control.   tance I travel. When walking, I use the compass and
         Like so many aspects of trou-bleshooting, it is prob-  altimeter to get a sense of the landscape. If the
         ably easiest to fix the unwanted behavior directly,
         rather than try to track down the initial cause.                                           (Continued on page 13)

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