Page 7 - 2011
P. 7
(Continued from page 6)
For any Virtual class, a very comprehensive Pow-
or GoToMeeting, or others. With an in-person erPoint presentation would be recommended, in
class, students and teachers gather in a class- general, to guide the class through the subject
room and interact there. With a Virtual class, we matter. Some classes readily lend themselves to
interact through our computer Clients (apps) the Virtual format. These are the “lecture” type of
which are then gathered together in a Server. classes where there are no “hands-on exercises”
(Remember Client-Server Technology?) Each of to be undertaken. Demonstrations of hardware or
our computers is connected to the server via the software can mostly be accomplished using a
internet, and it is the Server software that pro- “Share screen” feature that lets the instructor share
vides the magic that lets us all share the Video the contents of his computer screen with all the
and Audio from our client computer’s cameras participants. (Software on a particular device can
and microphones. The popular servers support be easily demonstrated by having that device as
many different clients. You can attend a virtual another class participant and allowing it to share
class using almost any device such as a Win- its screen.) When the instructor does this, the in-
dows computer, an Apple computer or an iPhone structor’s screen shows up on every participant's
or iPod, an Android phone or tablet, a Chrome- screen.
book, or even a Linux computer. A reliable, fast
internet connection will greatly improve the expe- So, it’s just like watching the big screen TV in front
rience. A wired connection to your router may be of the classroom, only everyone sees the teacher’s
desirable, but not very common. Fortunately, screen on their computer screen, at their location.
modern wi-fi is typically more than adequate. A class like “Cut the Cord” works well as a virtual
(But unfortunately, not everyone has the latest wi class because it is mostly lecture. Other classes,
-fi, especially if it is being supplied by that are more interactive, may not lend themselves
the Internet Service Provider.) as easily. A class that requires a lot of interaction
may be difficult as a virtual class. This type of
class may be more like a discussion group and
The internet connections to the server in the maybe more dependent on having a definite agen-
cloud allow us to interact “virtually” and avoid da and a very strong moderator/instructor. Smaller
gathering together. The server “connects” each class sizes may help this type of class be success-
of us to each other. And the server presents a ful. The Special Interest Group on smartphones is
classroom presentation to each of us (the Users) an example of this type of class. All the partici-
so we can see who is participating in the virtual pants of this class are encouraged to bring ques-
class. (There are controls on the Users screen tions and ideas to the class for discussion, and it is
that allow the Video and Audio, separately, to be anticipated that everyone will have an opportunity
turned on or off. The audio control is the “mute” to speak. Questions from the class participants in
control, mute turns the audio off, and un-mute any class are handled with either a “Chat” feature
turns the audio on. The video control is typically where the question can go to all participants or a
just Video on or off, though initially, it might show specific participant or a “Raise Hand” feature that
up as “join with Video”.) shows up on the screens to get the participant’s
The classroom presentation also has some dif-
ferent ways of showing the group of participants. Hopefully, this brief description (and time spent
Gallery view, as it is sometimes called, shows watching YouTube videos on the subject) will give
each of the participants (if their video is on) in a you the courage to participate in a virtual class the
box on the screen. (If a Participant’s video is off, next time an interesting one is offered.
the box will just have the User Determined
name.) The screen is divided among the number By Phil Sorrentino,
of participants, so as the number of participants Contributing Writer, Sun City Center Computer Club
gets larger it might be harder to determine who is
in attendance, though each participant box does
show the name. Another classroom presentation philsorr (at)
shows predominantly the person who is speaking
with others shown in small boxes to the side or
bottom, sometimes called “speaker view”. If there
are a lot of speakers this might be helpful,
though if someone has a slow internet connec-
tion, it might end up less helpful, due to the de-
November 2020 7