Page 3 - 2011
P. 3

November is starting off with plenty of excitement,    now working from home and/or attending school vir-
         as we vote for our president and vice-president,       tually.  I just checked Amazon, Walmart, and Best
         members of Congress, state and local political can-    Buy; all of them have a range of webcams in stock,
         didates, and an Illinois constitutional amendment      ready for immediate purchase and pick-up or ship-
         dealing with our state income tax.  At this writing,   ment.  So if you have been avoiding Zoom or other
         we still do not know the winner of the presidential    video-calling because you do not have a webcam or
         election, but the winners of most other races have     microphone, here is your chance to pick up the need-
         been decided (along with the Fair Tax proposal).       ed gear and get set-up for future Zoom calls with
         Two and a half months of lame duck sessions are        friends, family and fellow LCACE members.
         to follow, and then on to new beginnings at the vari-
         ous governmental levels.  As always, it will be inter-  (As you browse through the listings on the Amazon
         esting to watch and challenging for all concerned.     and Walmart websites, be aware that while both
         Later in November, we have Veterans Day on the         companies select and purchase merchandise that
         11  and Thanksgiving on the 26 .  While many           they will eventually sell on their websites directly to
         Veterans Day ceremonies are typically held out-        the customer, they also act as a sales platform for
         doors (and may be less risky from a COVID-19 per-      similar merchandise that is owned by third-party
         spective), the same cannot be said for Thanksgiv-      manufacturers or retailers.  For these items, they act
         ing.   Given the increasing COVID-19 infection rate,   as an order-entry and/or order-fulfillment contractor.
         hospitalizations and deaths, a lot of families will be   This means that any issues or complaints about
         re-considering the traditional family get-together for   these third-party products must be addressed directly
         Thanksgiving dinner this year – and the travel asso-   with those third parties.)
         ciated with this holiday as out-of-state family mem-
         bers fly or drive to the family gathering.             As an illustration, look at these snips from two differ-
                                                                ent webcam listings on
         I suspect that many families will turn to Zoom and/
         or other video-calling apps on Thanksgiving for a
         virtual get-together with other family members
         spread out across the country (or world).  But for
         someone not already versed in video-calling or who
         does not have a webcam and microphone, this can
         be difficult.  Fortunately, more and more people are
         being exposed to Zoom through work and/or
         through clubs, volunteer work, or outreach to
         friends and family members.  As Zoom has spiked
         in popularity during the current pandemic, there are
         now many tutorials offered by individuals, compa-
         nies, and tech experts to help users embrace this
         technology.  The Zoom website offers lots of infor-
         mation and training, and J.J. has sent us quite a      In the first example, the webcam is being sold to you
         few links to presentations and seminars devoted to     by XPCAM.  If you are unhappy or have an issue
         Zoom.  If you feel a need to beef up your Zoom         with the product, you will have to deal with XPCAM
         skills, please look up some of J.J.’s past emails on   to resolve it.  In the second example, the webcam is
         this subject and/or go directly to https://            being sold to you by Amazon, and you can deal di- for Zoom tutorials and        rectly with them for resolution.
         training.                                              The same is true for Walmart, which has been build-
                                                                ing up its online shopping and shipping capabilities
         Speaking of Zoom, there is good news for those         to better compete with Amazon.  Looking at
         who do not have a webcam and/or microphone and         webcams on their website, I found listings for 30
         have thus been unable to participate in Zoom calls.    webcams actually sold by Walmart, along with
         For a long time, webcams seemed to be out of           1,000+ listings of webcams and related gear sold by
         stock everywhere because so many people are                                                 (Continued on page 4)

         November 2020                                        3
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