Page 6 - 2011
P. 6

Virtual Classes –

                                                                                   - are Real

         That almost sounds like an oxymoron like “Jumbo       quarantining to avoid crowds, to elementary school
         Shrimp” or “deafening silence.” Well, the corona-     students and teachers staying at home to avoid
         virus has elevated teleconferencing to a level        classrooms and crowded schools, to employees
         never seen before or maybe even ever expected.        who are working from home to avoid the workplace
         Almost everyone, by now, knows of Zoom and            gathering places like the coffee pot, the copier, and
         other computer Apps like GoToMeeting for tele-        the water cooler.
         conferencing. Zoom appears to have a lion’s
         share of the business. If you’re not quite sure       Almost all of us are trying to avoid groups of peo-
         what Zoom is, here is what Wikipedia says.            ple where the virus might easily be transferred. I
         “Zoom Video Communications, Inc is an Ameri-          recently needed to go to a shopping mall, and I
         can communications technology company. It pro-        was amazed to see how empty it was. We are stay-
         vides video telephony and online chat services        ing away from gathering places. (Although the
         through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software plat-     beaches do still seem to be pretty crowded.)  So,
         form and is used for teleconferencing, telecom-       now that we are not going out and gathering as
         muting, distance education, and social relations”.    much, we are staying home a lot more, which gives
         For many of us, we can think of it just as an         us a lot more time to learn new things. How many
         “easier to use” Skype. Two years ago, I did a         of us have taken up a new instrument or are learn-
         presentation to a User Group on the west coast        ing a new language? Now’s the time to learn how
         using Zoom (surprisingly not Skype). It was the       to play that guitar or keyboard you bought a few
         first time I had heard of or used Zoom. Now Zoom      years ago. Well, language and instruments may be
         has over 40% of the teleconferencing market.          too much to expect but we probably can more easi-
         (Boy did I miss an investment opportunity. Zoom       ly learn about things we are involved in or are us-
         went public in March 2019 at $36 and is now           ing daily, like our computer and our phone. And
         around $250.)                                         that is where virtual classes can be of some help.

         Before the virus, teleconferencing was used           Virtual classes are educational classes held re-
         mostly in the corporate world. But now everyone       motely using teleconferencing software like Zoom
         is familiar with it, from the seniors who are self-                                         (Continued on page 7)

         November 2020                                        6
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