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Interesting Internet Finds

         August 2020
                Steve Costello
                scostello (at)

         In the course of going through the more than          some reason, so this is something I deal with fre-
         300 RSS feeds, I often run across things that         quently. If you have problems getting the earpiec-
         I think might be of interest to other user group      es to fit properly, check out this post for some
         members.                                              possible solutions.

         The following are some items I found interest-
         ing during the month of July 2020.                    11 Handy Zoom Hacks To Make Your Digital
                                                               Life Easier
         Why Video Calls Are So Exhausting (And      
         What You Can Do About It)                             -meeting-hacks           If you are like me, you are attending more zoom
         are-so-exhausting-and-what-you-can-do-                meetings these days. Check out this post to
         about-it/                                             make things easier for yourself. There were some
         Attending a lot of video conferences and now          of these hacks I didn’t know about before reading
         exhausted? Check out this post for some ide-          this post.
         as on how to cope with that.

                                                               What Is SupportAssist and Should I Let It
         How To Enter BIOS In Windows 10
                                                               If you have a brand name PC that is still under
         You may never need to know this but if you            warranty and has this type of application in-
         ever need to access, or change, settings of           stalled, you should read this post. (Note: I have
         the BIOS of your Windows 10 device, it is             an HP desktop, and follow Leo’s advice to keep
         good to know.                                         things going while under warranty.)

         3 Different Kindle Homescreens – Which !
         s Your Favorite?                                                         **********
         https://blog.the-ebook-                               This work by Steve Costello is licensed under             a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
         homescreens-which-is-your-favorite/                   License.
                                                               As long as you attribute this article, you can use it
         I have been a Kindle user for a long time and
         did not know this. If you have a newer Kindle,        in part, or whole, for your newsletter, website, or
         and dislike the default homescreen check out          blog
         this post for other options.

         How To Get In-Ear Headphones To Fit

         I go through a lot of in-ear headphones, for

         November 2020                                        8
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