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Hello, all….                                           January.  Not pretty!

         Happy Holidays to everyone!  Please enjoy them         Looking ahead, I expect that we will be meeting virtu-
         safely!                                                ally at least through the first quarter of 2021, and per-
                                                                haps longer.  During this same time period, it is un-
         (I recently sent out an article that explains how im-  likely to be safe for us to meet in person for any
         portant duration of contact with a person infected     length of time with friends and family members who
         with COVID can be, especially in an indoor setting.    do not already live in our households, as well.  If you
         In a worst-case scenario – small room, no outside      have not already acquired a microphone and
         ventilation, with a mask – it can take as little as    webcam or have not yet become comfortable with
         three minutes for someone to breathe in enough         video calling over your smartphone, tablet or comput-
         infectious droplets suspended in the air to become     er, I encourage you to do so.  Lot’s of good webcams
         infected.  At a family and/or friends gathering to cel-  (most with built-in microphones) are now available at
         ebrate the holidays – typically involving hours of, at very reasonable prices.  (My daugh-
         eating, drinking and socializing indoors – the poten-  ter just bought one for her work-related Zoom calls
         tial for one participant unaware that he or she has    for under $30, as an improvement over the video
         COVID to infect many of the attendees must be          quality of her laptop webcam.)  J.J. has been send-
         considered.)                                           ing out a steady stream of links and announcements

         Moving from the specific to the general, there is      related to video-calling tutorials and presentations.
         both good news and bad news for the U.S., regard-      Please take advantage of them so that we can see
         ing COVID.  Several different vaccines are well        your smiling faces at our future Zoom meetings, and
         along the approval cycle and could presumably be       so that you can use the magic of technology to stay
         available for broad distribution during the first half   in touch with other friends and family!
         of 2021.  We don’t yet know how effective they will    On the technology front, tech products in general
         be for everyone, although in controlled test environ-  seem to be more available than earlier in the year.  It
         ments the various manufacturers are claiming a         appears the pipeline is filling once more after the un-
         high success rate.  Further, we don’t yet know how     usual demand for computers, webcams and other
         long the immunity from these shots will last.  But     tech needed to support online learning for students
         things are definitely looking up on the vaccine front!   across the country and working from home for many
         On the other hand, the head of the CDC, Dr. Robert     employees whose businesses have closed their offic-
         Redfield, just publicly acknowledged that U.S.         es or who are unable to travel to meet with custom-
         deaths from COVID, now at 270,000, could reach         ers or suppliers.  I’ve already mentioned webcams,
         450,000 by the end of February.  That seems al-        but computer and smartphone availability seems bet-
         most unbelievable to me, but if you do the math it     ter to me as well, and we have been seeing some
         does compute.  The end of February is 86 days          good prices during recent Black Friday and Cyber
         from now; for his projection to come true, we would    Monday sales.
         have to see an average of 2,093 deaths per day         In closing, I want to share a story that illustrates the
         across the U.S.  Yesterday (December 3 ) the U.S.      need for digital afterlife planning, a topic that we dis-
         had 2,857 COVID deaths; that’s 36% higher than         cussed in detail several years ago.  A single man I
         the daily rate in Redfield’s projection!  Hospitals are   knew who lived alone died suddenly two weeks ago.
         filling up and most experts expect to see a spike in   As part of his duties, the executor of his will located
         new cases from Thanksgiving travel and socializa-      his laptop and smartphone – intending to access
         tion and from the major holidays in December and       them for information about his financial affairs.  Both

         December 2020                                        3
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