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2020 – 2021


                                                                                       Dues Suspension
                        October 10, 2020

         Membership Chairperson Report
                                                                Because of our COVID-19 pandemic, we were una-
                                                                ble to host our traditional LCACE summer picnic in
         Members                                                July.  The manager at our State Bank of the Lakes
         Meeting Attendees: 20                                  has informed us that their meeting room will not be

                                                                available for our planned 2020 Holiday Party.  As a
                                                                result, we will not be incurring expenses this fiscal
                                                                year for these two major events.  Given that we cur-

                                                                rently have a reasonable balance in our treasury and
                                                                realizing that this pandemic may have created a fi-
                                                                nancial hardship for some of our members, your

                                                                Board of Directors has voted to suspend dues pay-
         THANKS FOR VISITING                                    ment for this fiscal year.

         Cynthia Simmons
                                                                For those who have already paid their 2020 – 2021
                                                                dues, thank you!  Your payment will be applied to
                                                                2021 – 2022 dues.  For those who have not, we will
                                                                look forward to your dues payment for next year in
                                                                April 2021.

             December 12—No Meeting

             January 9—Show n’ Tell

             February 13—TBD
                                                                                 Linda Rohlfing
             March 13—TBD                                                      Diane Berndtson

                                                                                  Ted Zalewski

                                                                                  Linda Busch


         December 2020                                        5
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