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Yesterday was Groundhog Day, and Punxsutawney          that this is a broad topic, so we’ll plan to devote sev-
         Phil saw his shadow.  (Big news these days….)  Ac-     eral meetings to this important task – starting with
         cording to folklore, this means six more weeks of      our February meeting.  J.J. is working on a presenta-
         winter.  I’ll settle for that if spring shows up during   tion about the pros and cons of all-in-one desktop
         the seventh week…….                                    computers; we’ll fit that into the first-half schedule
                                                                as well.  Also, we are scheduled for election of offic-
         I hope you and your loved ones are safe and sound.     ers in April.  We’ll be asking for volunteers and nomi-
         Illinois residents in Phase 1b (which fits many of us   nations at the March meeting.  (These are two-year
         in LCACE) are starting to get vaccinations, so eligi-  positions and include president, vice-president, sec-
         ble members may be getting a call before too long.     retary, treasurer, program chair, publicity chair and
         (Please be sure that you are on somebody’s eligibil-   membership chair.)  Please give some thought about
         ity list.  In our last newsletter I provided info about   how you could put your talents and interests to good
         signing up on AllVax, the Lake County Health De-       use as an LCACE officer; feel free to nominate your-
         partment priority list.  More recently, I have         self in March.
         learned that Advocate Aurora Health (which covers
         multiple hospitals in northeastern Illinois and south   Having fielded some questions in the past about low-
         eastern Wisconsin) is notifying patients when their    cost mobile service providers (and recently made
         turn comes for a shot at one of their hospitals.  If   some personal changes in this regard), here are
         you have been a patient at one of their hospitals or   some of my experiences……
         see one of their affiliated doctors, you should be in
         their system.  For everyone else, I suggest you        My original cellular provider was Virgin Mobile,
         check with your doctor for suggestions about           which I used for many years back in the flip phone
         where / how to get on a priority list.                 era and my early smartphone experience.  Along the
                                                                way, I ran across Tracfone Wireless, a subsidiary of
         Looking ahead, we expect to be doing virtual LCACE     Mexico’s largest telecommunications company
         meetings through at least June.  When I reached        which offers not only the Tracfone brand, but also
         out to the Grayslake State Bank of the Lakes about     Straight Talk, SIMPLE Mobile, Total Wireless, Walmart
         availability of their meeting room for our July pic-   Family Mobile, and NET10 Wireless.
         nic, I was told that their meeting room is currently
                                                                I’ve been using Tracfone for
         not available to anyone for meetings, so we’ll have
                                                                at least one of our phones
         to wait and see if things open up by July.  (I’m not   for years and have found
         counting on it.)
                                                                them to be the cheapest

                                                                option for low-usage cus-
                              Our upcoming virtual              tomers.  The Basic Plan that
                              meetings will be at 1:00 pm
                              on February 13 , March 13 ,       I have been using offers 90
                                                                days of service for $19.99.
                              April 10 , May 8  and June        It used to include 60
                              12 .  At our January meeting
                                                                minutes of calling, 60 text messages and 60 MB of
                              a suggestion was made to dis-     data – which were typically tripled if you bought or
                              cuss the best ways to organ-
                                                                brought a smartphone.  (Unused minutes, texts and
                              ize our digital files – docu-
         ments, photos, music, email, etc. etc.  We agreed                                            (Continued on page 4)
         February 2021                                        3
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