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data roll over, a novel feature, allowing customers   ing Ting with their replacements.)
         to build up a cushion over time.)  As a result, I was
         able to pay as little as $80 a year per phone.  How-  Although I have no personal experience with these
         ever, their current pricing may not be as attractive   other low-cost cellular providers, Consumer Cellular
         for new customers because the current version of      and Xfinity Mobile both sound interesting.  An inde-
         this plan appears to offer only 60 minutes of call-   pendent company, Consumer Cellular is completely
         ing; there is no mention of texts or data.            US-based, ranks very high in customer service and
                                                               offers a 5% discount to AARP members.  According to
                                                               their website, the least expensive Consumer Cellular
                                                               unlimited talk and text plan, with 500MB of shared
                                                               data, is $20 per month, per line.  For two phones, this
                                                               would bring the cost to $40 per month with 500 MB
                                                               of shared data; with a 5% AARP discount, this would
                                                               presumably come to $38.  Although I did not see this
                                                               explicitly stated on their website, I believe they use
                                                               Verizon as their network provider.  They offer a nice
                                                               selection of phones, or you can bring your own.
         Tracfone allows customers to bring their own          Xfinity Mobile offers unlimited calling and texts for
         phone and choose which of the big three cellular      free to Xfinity cable/internet customers but requires
         network providers (AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile)        the purchase of at least 1 GB of cellular data per
         they will use.  (While they do offer a variety of     month for $15.  You can have other people on your
         phones for purchase, they tend to be either very      account, who also get unlimited calling and texts for
         basic or several model years old.)  Moreover, cus-    free and who share your monthly data purchase.  Un-
         tomer service has been a weak point; although         less I am missing something, this would bring your
         Tracfone is headquartered in Miami, their custom-     monthly cost for two – with 1 GB of shared data – to
         er service seems to be based overseas.  Conse-        $15, an outstanding price.  However, you must be an
         quently, there can be connection and /or commu-       Xfinity TV, Internet, or Phone customer to qualify for
         nication problems and help for non-standard con-      this pricing.  They offer a reasonable selection of high-
         cerns may require multiple phone calls.               er-end phones, some at a significant discount.  Bring-
                                                               your-own phone is limited to certain brands.  If my
         When we bought Nokia Windows phones some              memory is correct, they too use Verizon as their cellu-
         years ago, we selected a Canadian-based firm          lar provider.
         called Ting (well-rated by Consumer Reports for
         customer service) as our provider. Ting offers a va-
         riety of modern phones (some with discounts),
         while also allowing you to bring your own phone.
         Customers can choose between T-Mobile or Veri-
         zon as their cellular network provider.  Their new
         Flex plan offers unlimited calling and texts for a sin-
         gle phone at $10 per month.  Each GB of cellular
         data will cost $5.  If two family members share the   As a bonus, Xfinity offers free access to thousands of
         account, each will be billed $10 for their phone,     Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots created by partitioning Xfinity
         but can share data, thus providing unlimited calling   Gateways leased to their Internet customers to serve
         and texts for two phones – with a shared 1 GB of      as their home network modem/router combo.  Your
         data – for $25.  Their customer service personnel     Xfinity Mobile phone will automatically connect you
         are based in Canada, are knowledgeable, efficient,    to the nearest Xfinity hotspot, thus allowing you to
         and pleasant.  (While we have since moved on          avoid data charges to your Xfinity Mobile bill.
         from our Windows phones, we are still happily us-                                           (Continued on page 5)

         February 2021                                        4
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