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In addition to this new file format, new iPhones also take
photos in a mode called “Live Photo”. In addition to
the.HEIC image, the phone also captures a video running
1.5 seconds before and after the image, so each photo
was taken results in two files. Since now I could see both,
I decided to keep both. Compiled by Jasmine Blue D’Katz
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After a bit of manipulation, I finally had all of the trip pho-
tos and videos I wanted in one place, all visible in Win- Amazon wants you to have an erotic relationship with Alexa
dows. Though Apple may keep changing up their file for-
mats, it appears Microsoft is providing ways to keep up Aura Mate Pro—Best Premium Updated Scanner Yet
and view their files in Windows 10.
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Now if only my Chromebook could open all these files. Best home Security Cameras of 2021
I’ve had poor luck with video files on my Samsung
Chromebook, and none of the ones we took on the trip Best portable power stations for 2021
could be opened. It turned out the only thing it could see Boost up your home scree with these non-app add ons
was the JPG files. It seems the Google Chrome OS
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The Most Photographed
Spot – I’ve been ordering a lot Flickering lights check these common culprits
from Amazon since the pan-
demic, and a lot of the time the iOS 14.5 Release date, bate download and new features
email I get from Amazon ask-
ing how my package delivery Is your internet speed slow or fast. Here’s how to tell
was, includes a link to a photo
of the delivered package sit- The best home security system of 2021 DIY kits
ting on my doorstep. Apparent-
ly, the delivery person now takes a “proof of delivery” The best portable SSDs in 2021
photo. This may soon make my doorstep the most photo-
graphed location on my property. These new flying taxis offer a glimpse at our future commutes
Thanks to APCUG PUSH Articles, this article was from These Older iPhones will not receive the iOS 15 Update
Greg Skalka, President of Under the Computer Hood
User Group and published in their November issue of Tips New Cyber Security Threats
their newsletter “Drive Light.”
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APCUG Drone Workshop
January 26, 2021
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The band the Village People are out
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They have a new hit single:
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February 2021 7