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Figure 3 shows the effect of masking.
                                                                             Since the graphic will be used for a car
                                                                             show, I’ve removed everything but the
                                                                             cars and added some vignetting to soften
                                                                             the sharp edges on the right. I’ve also du-
                                                                             plicated the layer several times, so I can
                                                                             try different processing on each one.
                                                                             Masking is done by hand and is quite tedi-
                                                                             ous, almost impossibly so with a mouse,
                                                                             but far more tolerable with a graphics tab-
                                                                             let. I use one by Wacom, which is small
                                                                             (about six by eight inches) and available
                                                                             for $70. Before duplicating the photo layer,
                                                                             be sure you have completed the masking,
                                                                             as you don’t want to repeat this time-
                                                                             consuming process.

         Figure 3. Masking Complete.

         I used effects from the Grey’s Magic for Image Computing (G’MIC) add-on for GIMP,
         gimp.shtml; other high-end graphic processors have similar utilities. Figures 4 through 7 show the effects of
         some of its filters.

         Figure 4. G’MIC Felt Pen Filter.                        Figure 5. G’MIC Charcoal Filter.

         Figure 6. G’MIC Watercolor Filter.                        Figure 7. G’MIC Hough Sketch Filter.

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