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Which one is better?
By Jasmine Blue D’Katz
C work drive is always on.
loud back up storage has become extremely
popular lately, but do you trust it? Everything
Many of the cloud-based services will give you terabytes of
from hard disk failure two malware attacks to
storage for under $100. And then some require a monthly
worry about, backing up your digital data has never
subscription. I am presently using a service called Back-
been more important. For a long time, many of us back
Blaze which is highly recommended for photographers and
up our data to an external hard drive, although this at
for under $100 I am getting unlimited storage capacity.
times can be time consuming and the most effective
One of the reasons for this is because being a photogra-
way to back of our data. But recently things have
pher I have some large files on my home computers and
changed with the introduction of cloud storage services.
network. Although, my network drives are from a compa-
Uploading my data to a company's dedicated server is ny called Drobo which uses a system that pretty much
often cheaper and more secure and keeping hit on my keeps by data secure and quickly accessible. I get the
own physical hard drive. Some of these companies pro- Peace of Mind and the ability to back up my data continu-
vide a seamless backup and sink system that ensures I ously how many devices on the cloud.
am never left went out copies from my most recent
As we have noticed over the years that physical hard
drives are becoming another casualty from digital process.
I kind of use a redundant system for ensuring then eve- we are now seeing physical hard drives being replaced in
rything on my computers her backed up. Besides using a computers by SSD and even they are getting smaller. So, if
cloud service, I also use a network backup system within you are not on the cloud service bandwagon, you might
my home. This gives me easy access to all my files from want to take another look at what is available and consid-
multiple computers within my house. But the cloud er it.
backup service ensures that everything is in a different
Best Cloud Storage Service Deals
location in case of a catastrophic event such as a fire or
theft. iDrive 5TB $3.48/year
pCloud 500 GB $3.99/month
On another level, my network drives use a system that BackBlaze Unlimited $60 / Year
ensures my files are completely safe in case of a hard
drive failure. Having a cloud service continuously back-
ing up my home server anmi individual computers keeps
everything save in multiple locations.
The biggest advantage of cloud storage if that I can keep
all my files backed up all the time. That thanks to the
sink technology which runs in the background on my
devices and automatically uploads any new modifica-
tions on any of my stored files. Especially since the net-
June 2021 27