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claimed the contracts
                                    create “an artificially
                                    high price floor across
                                    the online retail market-
                                    place,” according to a
                                    press release. Racine
                                    stated that these agree-
                                    ments ultimately harm
                                    both consumers and
                                    third-party sellers by re-
         ducing competition, innovation and choice.
         Amazon requires third-party vendors who want to do    The Cook Memorial Public Library District has several
         sell on Amazon to abide by its business agreement.    Computer Classes via Zoom scheduled in June.
         Until 2019, Amazon included a clause in that agree-
         ment that prohibited sellers from offering their prod-  Photoshop CC
         ucts on a competitor’s online marketplace at a lower   Wednesday, June 9=09 @ 6:30pm—8:00pm
         price than what their products sold for on Amazon.
         Amazon removed that rule in March 2019 as it faced    In this demo course, we will review the basic of Photoshop
         growing antitrust scrutiny.                           Creative Cloud including project, photo editing basic, lay-
         The complaint alleges that even after Amazon re-      ing and more.
         moved the “no cheaper” pricing provision from its
         agreements with third-party sellers, it added an      PowerPoint I
         identical policy it called its “fair pricing policy.” The   Wednesday, June 16: 2021 @ 6:30pm—8:00pm
         fair pricing policy enables Amazon to “impose sanc-
         tions” on a seller that offers their product for a lower   In this course, we will review the basic of creating a dy-
         price on a competing online marketplace.              namic presentation in  PowerPoint. Learn ho to add slides,
                                                               edit images, and translation/animation to make slide
         Do Sellers Really Set Their Own Prices?
                                                               come alive.
         Yes, they do – but only as long as they follow Ama-
         zon’s pricing rules. Amazon’s pricing agreements      PowerPoint II
         were also a topic of scrutiny in the House Judiciary   Wednesday, June 23: 2021 @ 6:30pm—8:00pm
         subcommittee. In their final report lawmakers
         agreed that Amazon uses its dominant position in e-   This course will look  at more advanced option in Power-
         commerce as leverage with third-party sellers to re-  Point including the SlideMaster, presentation recording,
         quire they adhere to pricing restrictions.            live presentation, and slideshow.
         These clauses are at least anti-competitive, espe-    You must register  for these courses and you can join from
         cially when a company like Amazon has virtual mo-     a PC, iPad, iPhone or Android device
         nopoly powers.

               David Kretchmar, Computer Technician

                Sun City Summerlin                                             OUR COMPUTER went down at work,

                    Computer Club                                              so we had to do everything manually.
                                                                               It took me 20 minutes to shuffle the
                                                                               cards for solitaire.

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