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(Continued from page 20)                              saver.
                                                               7. Never save a good idea
         If you want to finish that article in 20 minutes, try to
         keep it under 500 words. Don’t feel like you’re       It’s tempting, when you look through your list of ideas,
         skimping on quality content, either: this article is   to save the best ones for later because you think
         only about 500 words but it’s chockfull of infor-     they’ll be easier to write. You don’t want to save time
         mation. Make every word count and you’ll save         later, you want to save time now. Do the articles you
         time without letting quality slip.                    know will come easily and make the most of that
         6. Come back later
                                                               Follow these simple steps and
         If you find that you’re stuck, don’t try to force the   you’ll be on your way to brilliant arti-
         words to come. Save the article and work on some-     cles in a fraction of the time. Share
         thing else for awhile. If inspiration strikes, open up   some of your favorite article writing
         that document again. You can even switch from         tips in the comments!
         one blog post to another, spending a few minutes
         on each as ideas comes to you. It’s a huge time-

          Echo Auto

          Amazon brings Alexa smart to my car

          By Jasmine Blue D’Katz

         I cannot drive and the only time I get to ride in the car is   mount, it was easier to use Velcro an attach it to the cen-
         the way to the Vet. I still do not know why daddy want-  ter console. This also made it easier to plug into the 12V
         ed an echo in the car, but why not. He can already ask   USB adapter in the console.
         Alexa to start the Jeep, and that is redundant because
         he can do the same with the key fob. So, I guess he in-
         stalled the echo auto to refresh his memory.          Echo Auto connects to you Alexa and makes life easier by
                                                               letting your voice control his world. The eight-microphone

                                                               array is hardened against howling wind and road noise
         Like the in-home Alexa, he can play music, check the   that Alexa can hear him when he is speeding down the
         news, or make a call through the car speaker. Again, he   highway with the windows rolled down. By plugging the
         can already make phone calls because of Apple Play in   echo auto into the AUX jack in the Jeep, Echo Auto doubles
         the Jeep.                                             as a Bluetooth audio adapter and speakerphone. In the
                                                               instructions, it says you can stream music by doing this,

                                                               but he prefers to listen to his satellite radio, and we don’t
         So once the Echo Auto is connected to the car Bluetooth   have a Spotify, Pandora, or Apple Music account to attach
         he has all the other convinces of Alexa in the car. I know   to the Echo Auto. Although, if we did, it would work the
         he always ask Alexa what is on his calendar which keeps   same as the Alexa’s in the house, and being able to ask for
         him up to date on all Zoom meeting, but recently echo   his favorite artist, playlist, or song.
         auto reminded him of an upcoming meeting while he
         was in the car because of the two-hour reminder in his
         calendar. No rush, but he made it home before the     Cars are getting smarter every year, but the Echo Auto fills
         meeting, but if not reminded, he would have forgotten   in the void that our 2015 Jeep does not have currently.
         it. It is also convenient to have his todo and shopping list   Hopefully, our next Jeep will have what is missing. The
         available in the car without having to check his      Echo Auto has been used to control smart devices within
         smartphone. Although it came with a magnetic air vent                                       (Continued on page 22)

         June 2021                                           21
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