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justment, while a single slider allows for manual ad-
         Kodak Mobile Film Scanner                              justment to the color before shooting.

         Digitize your film and slides with this foldable scanner.   The app editing tools include cropping and allows me
                                                                to adjust the orientation (horizontal shots will need to
         By Jasmine Blue D’ Katz
                                                                be rotated). The app also includes filters, exposure,
         I am always look-                                      saturation, sharpness, warmth, and a hand full of
         ing for the purrfect                                   other editing tools.
         way to scan in                                         The software works with Android and iOS system,
         those old nega-                                        but you can use other film scanning apps it you pre-
         tives and slide that                                   fer. I don’t plan on winning any contest with the
         we have collected                                      scanned photos, but it was a quick way to get old
         back in the days.                                      family photos from relatives who have photos in the
         Now I have found a way to use my smart phone with      photo album, picture frames and attics that wish to
         a collapsible film scanner that also comes with an     get copies of when I visit them.
         app for editing and make my photos pop. If you do
         not want to invest in a full photo scanner or pay for   The Kodak Mobile Film Scanner, retails for around
         expensive services, then this may be the scanner for   $40 thanks to the cheap cardboard construction and
         you.                                                   – outside the AA-powered LED and no fancy tech-
                                                                nology inside.
         The Kodak Mobile Scanner supports three compati-
         ble film types (35mm Color Negatives, 35mm Black
         and White Negatives and 35mm Color Slides) and                         How to Fix
         the app has over 10 editing options. The scanner is
         illuminated by a LED backlight.
                                                                 Outlook's Blank Email Bug
         Just by putting my smartphone of the top and a click
         to turn my old photos into digital photos in seconds.
         Resolution will vary depending on the slide or nega-
         tive and the quality of your smartphone camera. The
         main tip is to adjust the focus functionality of your
         smartphone. The Kodak Mobil Scanner app lets me
         control everything and edit image on my smartphone
         My film strips just slide into a slot positioned directly
         on top of the LED backlight. Using an old-fashioned
         manual feed – i.e., my paws – l push the film strip    Microsoft is rolling out an Outlook update to fix a
         until the image is aligned on the preview display on
         my smartphone screen. Tapping the screen to focus      strange bug for Microsoft 365 users that’s causing
         the smartphone camera and use the app’s auto ad-       email text to disappear as it’s typed and incoming

                                                                messages to show up blank. In other words: a
                                                                productivity-killing nightmare, whether you rely on

                                                                Outlook for work or for fun.

                                                                While Microsoft says the bug is confined to the Out-
                                                                look desktop client, some users have also reported
                                                                issues with blank messages and disappearing text
                                                                on the web and mobile versions. Luckily, Microsoft’s
                                                                says it identified the issue and it released a patch
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 17)

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