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(Continued from page 11)                                 It’s time to delete most of your apps

         old saying that you get what you pay for, but for me per-     Unused apps on your phone co do more harm
         sonally, my standing desk at the lower end of the price
         spectrum is perfectly satisfactory; and most important, it           than simply taking up space.
         is making a significant difference on the way my body
         feels during my time spent at the computer. And that, as
         those as say, is Priceless.

         Keith Connes
         Member, The Computer Club, FL

                                                                “This is a catastrophe,” my wife said—slightly horri-
                                                                fied—as she swiped through page after page of apps
                                                                on my phone. “Why do you even have most of
                                                                these?” It’s a good question.

                                                                It’s hard to believe that just 13 years ago, the App
                                                                Store icon showed up on the iPhone. It debuted with
                                                                just 500 apps total, but that number has grown to
                                                                roughly 2 million. It’s an embarrassment of riches
                                                                when it comes to applications, but some of them are,
                                                                frankly, kind of embarrassing. Unless you’re meticu-
                                                                lous about your phone maintenance practices,
                                                                there’s a good chance you’re toting around more
                                                                apps than you need—and it could be harming your
                                                                overall smartphone experience.

                                                                This is a perfect opportunity to head into your
                                                                smartphone (this goes for Android users, too) and
                                                                clean out some of those ill-advised downloads from
                                                                the past decade. Yes, this means parting ways with
                                                                that fart sounds app.

                                                                How did we get here?
                                                                A 2018 report found that the average person launch-
                                                                es roughly nine apps per day and interacts with
                                                                roughly 30 apps over the course of a month. That
                                                                agrees with a 2015 study by Nielsen, which found
                                                                that typical smartphone users used roughly 27 apps
                                                                over the course of a month. That means the average
                                                                person needs little more than a single page of apps
                                                                for normal usage. But deleting them can be hard.

            He is a hobbyist boat fitter. Nothing else to do with his
            retirement except spend his time in this shed and repair   The concept of “digital hoarding” is still mostly a col-
            boats for friends and family.
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 13)

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