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Rick Janowski

                                                                President .Milwaukee Computer Society

                                                                are no shortages of choice.
                                                                Bitcoin exploded recently
         Greetings all,                                         when Elon Musk said he
                                                                would sell cars using the
         I’ve mentioned podcasts before in this column as a way
                                                                virtual currency and this
         to stay informed without reading dozens of other articles
                                                                week the market fell when he said he would no longer
         or surfing the web. Although I would recommend it to
                                                                continue due to environmental concerns. The IRS has
         anyone, I find that its not something I do much at home
                                                                been trolling for cryptocurrency for the last couple of
         but would like to do more.
                                                                years and governments around the world troubled by the
         Today, for those of you                                potential devaluing of their own currencies.
         that prefer to listen as op-
                                                                                          That said, PayPal has en-
         posed to read, I’d like to
                                                                                          tered the game recently by
         share an app that I ran
                                                                                          offering a way for you to
         across in a Facebook ad.
                                                                                          purchase fractional shares
         Everyone has heard of Au-
                                                                                          of four different currencies
         dible, the monthly audio
                                                                                          including, I believe, the new
         book club that’s been
                                                                                          and popular Dogecoin. So if
         owned by Amazon for a while now but have you heard of
                                                                                          you like playing the lottery
                                                                and want to spend your hard earned money for some
         Chirp is an audio bookstore only. You can’t buy a paper   virtual play money, I’d start with PayPal.
         book on this site nor download a digital version. Addi-
                                                                Moving along, I’d like to put in a plug
         tionally, it's not a monthly subscription club either. I had
                                                                for Apple TV+. I’m pretty sure you can
         my buddy who is an avid book reader (mostly digital
                                                                download the app on any smart de-
         these days) to check it out for me. He was very im-
                                                                vice like Roku or Google TV for a rela-
         pressed. He downloaded the app and found a cheap, yet
                                                                tively inexpensive monthly fee or
         recent book that he was looking to read and instead
                                                                possibly a free trial. I am a fan of Ted Lasso whose second
         bought the audio book.
                                                                season is coming mid-July or so. I recommend it.
         While I have rarely listened to audio books, it's my un-
                                                                                      I can’t recall if I’ve mentioned
         derstanding that whoever has been chosen to read the
                                                                                      this previously but if you are
         book to you is arguably the most important aspect of
                                                                                      into the superhero genre of
         audio books.
                                                                                      movies, HBO has plenty. DC
         The selection appears to be excellent and the deals to be                    comic book movies are owned
         had are equally impressive and the book is yours to keep.                    by them and the Zack Snyder’s
         Obviously you’ll need an account and the app but then it   remake of Justice League is one of the best I’ve seen.
         should be smooth sailing (or listening if you prefer). Take
                                                                Ok, that’s all I got for now so we’ll talk more on Saturday.
         a look and see what you think here.
                                                                Take care,
         Well, if ever you were interested in cryptocurrency, there

         June 2021                                           10
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