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June speaker Judy Taylour

                                                      Judy is a 30-year member of the SCV Computer Club where she
                                                      serves as president, editor and webmaster. She is also co-facilitator
               Region 10 Advisor                      for the Southern California Regional User Group Summit (SCRUGS),

                 California                          a group of technology clubs in Southern California that have gotten
                                                      together quarterly for over 20 years to share ideas and presenter
               Region 11 Advisor
                                                      information, solve problems, etc.
                 Idaho
                                                      She has been involved with APCUG since 2003 and has served as
                 Washington                          BODA chair for over 10 years. Judy has given numerous presenta-
                                                      tions at APCUG’s annual conferences, local technology clubs, and
               International Advisor
                                                      webinars via APCUG’s Speakers Bureau. She holds various positions
                 Australia                           in APCUG.

                 Canada                              Judy is a proponent of lifelong learning. She taught adult education

               Acting Adviser Region 1                tech classes for 22 years through her local high school district and
                                                      has been a member of the Pierce College Computer Applications
                 Connecticut
                                                      and Office Technologies Advisory Committee for 15 years. The com-
                 New York                            mittee meets annually to suggest courses for the next school year.

                                                      She was an active participant in the Southwest Technology & Com-
                                                      puter Conference for 23 years and served as chair or co-chair for
                                                      over15 years.

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