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Hello, all…. they will allow use of their meeting rooms; given
these two positive events we can only hope that it
We are making progress in Illinois and across the will be soon.
country toward our goal of “herd-immunity” protec-
tion against COVID-19, as vaccinations continue to
rise, and new cases and deaths continue to fall.
While some Americans are opposed to vaccinations
of any kind and others are worried that the COVID
vaccines were rushed into production and roll-out
without sufficient testing, the success of these vac-
cines in reducing new cases (with minimal side-
effects) and continual monitoring & publication of the
results should keep us moving toward the long-term
goal as 2021 rolls out.
(Jon Rahm’s unfortunate withdrawal from the PGA
Memorial golf tournament this week may act as a
wake-up call for fence-sitters to move ahead with
COVID-19 vaccination. Rahm was leading the tour- On the technology front, I’m starting to see mention
nament by six strokes after three rounds of golf, of “Windows 11”, a major overhaul to Windows 10.
cruising toward a victory that would have netted him (Microsoft has not used the “Windows 11” moniker in
close to $1.5 Million. Although not explicitly stated in public announcements about this pending update,
the news releases, it appears that he was not fully but there is speculation by some tech writers that it
vaccinated – if at all – and was therefore required to will be a significant enough change from Windows 10
undergo daily COVID-19 testing because of expo- to justify a new name. They point to a quote from
sure prior to the tournament to someone infected by MS CEO Satya Nadella’s keynote speech at Mi-
COVID-19. On Saturday, his COVID-19 test was crosoft Build earlier this year, in which he called it
positive, and he was forced to withdraw. Had he “the next generation of Windows”. Moreover, the in-
been fully vaccinated and past the 14-day waiting vitation to the MS June 24 Windows 10 event says,
period, he would not have been tested and - pre- “Join us on June 24 at 11 am ET … to see what’s
sumably – would not have become infected. And, next.” Since MS does not typically start such events
he would have had a large payday. While most at 11 am ET, is that possibly a clue about a Windows
Americans do not have the same opportunity as “11” announcement?) Stay tuned….
Rahm, the point is the same; failing to complete the
vaccination protocol can have unexpected negative Which brings up an interesting question…. How do
consequences – from the illness itself to a range of you feel about the continuing changes to Windows
other scenarios.) 10?
Not only is the current access to vaccinations a posi- In years past, we would buy a PC pre-loaded with
tive for our LCACE members and their families on a the then-current version of Windows. We could use
personal level, but this also brings us closer to meet- that PC with that version of Windows for as long as
ing in person. Governor Pritzker has announced we liked – or at least until MS stopped supporting
that Illinois is on track to fully reopen (Phase 5) on that Windows version. While there might be small
June 11 . Meanwhile, the Grayslake Public Library feature upgrades from time to time, most upgrades
is in the process of upgrading their HVAC system, in had to do with security or efficient operation of the
part to improve filtration capability. Liz Barnett is software. So, after the initial learning curve, we were
keeping in touch with the GAPL to find out when (Continued on page 5)
June 2021 4