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June 2021                                                      Volume 38 Issue 03

         Five Creative Ways

         We’re Connecting

         A year into the pandemic and a virtual lifestyle is the   Bluejeans by Verizon. "What's interesting is our re-
         reality for many people. Remote work and online        search shows that these platforms are being used
         education are just the start -many people have taken   for personal reasons more frequently than ever be-
         a virtual approach to the way they shop, socialize,    fore. People are handling personal to-do's and con-
         stay connected with friends and family, and much       necting with friends and family virtually, which sig-
         more. The interesting thing is that research shows     nals that video communications platforms have be-
         this shift is here to stay.                            come commonplace in everyday life."

            "Working remotely has accelerated the use of vid-      Knightly says the findings from a recent survey
         eo meeting platforms that keep us connected,           from Bluejeans by Verizon demonstrates that peo-
         whether that's through a computer, mobile device or    ple are connecting via videoconferencing for a vari-
         -as we ease back to offices - conference room sys-     ety of reasons, both personal and professional.*
         tem," says John Knightly, chief marketing officer for                                      (Continued on page 18)

         June 2021                                            1
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