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(Continued from page 8)                                When I started the Musicolet app and worked
                                                                through its setup steps, I learned that it has one fea-
         on my S10 phone. So far, the app still works just fi-  ture I liked immediately. The app provides the option
         ne.                                                    to specify one or more particular folders on the
                                                                phone or tablet in which to find sound files. I chose
         The fact that Google disabled the Play Music app       the folder on my micro-SD card where I parked my
         on my Tab S5e tablet was quite an unhappy sur-         1,600+ songs (1,637, according to Musicolet). The
         prise. Even with the music indexing quirks in Play     advantage is that, unlike Play Music, the app will ig-
         Music, which I wrote about a couple of years back,     nore my voice memos that are stored in a different
         the Play Music app was reliable and reasonably         folder. Play Music app automatically threw in all my
         easy to use.                                           voice memos, which are far less entertaining than

         I surveyed the fate of the Play Music app on my oth-   my music.
         er Android devices. On the S10 phone, running An-      Musicolet also offers a feature to play songs in ran-
         droid 11, the app can still play my music collection   dom order, sometimes called Shuffle Play, just like
         stored on the phone. On the S5 phone, running An-      the Play Music app. I use that constantly so that my
         droid 6, the app can still play my music collection    music sounds like an FM progressive music station
         stored on the phone. On my Galaxy Tab A, the app       in the 1970s. I have other music on my phone as
         acted like the app on the Tab S5e, displaying the no   well, from the 1950s through the 2000s.
         longer available screen.
                                                                Another ad-free music player app with just about the
         I expect that the end is near for the Play Music app   same attractive stats is Pulsar Music Player. This
         on my current S10 phone and my old S5 phone.           one claims to support use on car sound systems via

         THERE ARE MANY OTHER MUSIC PLAYER                      Android Auto.
         APPS                                                   Most sound systems in recent cars already provide
                                                                Bluetooth capability. If you only want to access
                                                                phone or tablet music, and you do not have the An-
                                                                droid Auto feature in your car, you can play music
                                                                from your phone on the car stereo via Bluetooth. An-
                                                                droid Auto offers other advantages.

                                                                THE BOTTOM LINE

                                                                I hope other app publishers do not follow this disap-
                                                                pointing Google precedent. When support is ceased,
         Of course, I went to the Google Play Store and         let the user base continue to enjoy the capabilities of
         looked for music player apps. That category is a       the app, at least until an Android OS update breaks
         huge, bewildering forest. The Play Store app recom-    the app.
         mended some alternative searches, including "music
         player no ads", so I tried that. Ads are another un-   ABOUT THE AUTHOR: John Krout has been writing
         welcome use of cellular network data.                  about creative uses of personal computers since the
                                                                early 1980s. He worked for decades as a C and C++
         For each app, I looked at the review rating average,   developer for contractors of several federal govern-
         the number of reviews, and the total number of         ment agencies. After more than a decade as a docu-
         downloads. I also made sure that each was capable      mentation writer for one such agency, he quit in April
         of playing music stored on the phone, not in the       2020 and now writes whatever he wants to. He re-
         cloud.                                                 sides in Arlington VA with his son, many computers
                                                                and cameras, and too many cats.
         Musicolet has been downloaded 5 million times and
         has a 4.7 rating average in almost 120,000 reviews.    John Krout, Writer/Presenter, Potomac Area Technology
         That is a very strong rating average. So I download-   and Computer Society
         ed that app on my Tab 5e.                    , krout75@

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