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Don’t Just Sit There!

                                              (At the computer, that is)

                                              By Keith Connes,

         Oh, my aching back!” Not a very original thought, but
         that’s what used to go through my mind every time I
         would get up from my office chair after a long session at
         the computer. Note that I said used to. Not anymore.
         Understand, I’ve had chronic low back pain for decades
         and I don’t expect ever to be totally free of it. But that
         special ouch that comes from a lengthy computer session
         became history the day I began to use a standing desk.
         That’s right, literally the very day I changed my work hab-
         it at the computer.

         A standing desk is a collapsible desk that you set on top
         of your existing desk. You place your monitor and key-
         board (or laptop) on it, along with your mouse and other
         work-related equipment. Then you raise the entire work
         surface to a height that allows you to stand and type
         comfortably – or dictate, if you use speech recognition   ing biceps (actually, I never did). Other models might de-
         software, as I do.                                     escalate more tamely and if that’s a major concern you

                                                                might want to pop for an electrically operated desk.
         The manually operated standing desks generally have a
         hydraulic piston that enables them to be raised quite   The price I paid was $139, but similar or possibly identical
         easily. Electrically powered models are also available.   models have sprung up on Amazon prices a slow as $99.
                                                                These are all 1-tier desks, meaning that they have just
                                                                one surface. Some companies offer 2-tier models con-
         Even if you don’t suffer from back pain, it’s good to be   sisting of a large surface for one or even two monitors
         able to stretch your legs after sitting for a while and con-
                                                                plus a smaller lower surface for the keyboard. The Mount
         tinue your work while standing. You can alternate be-  -it! Brand is available as an electric two-tier desk for $240.
         tween sitting and standing as often as you want, and the   Staples sells a manual 27” 2-tier desk for $250 and a 35”
         chances are you’ll feel a lot better for it.           version that has been on sale for $200.

         I purchased my standing desk on Amazon from a seller   Probably the best-known company for this type of prod-
         named Defy Desk. The desk’s surface is wood, painted   uct, tanks to its TV ad campaign, is VARIDESK, which
         black, measuring 32” W x 22” D. when collapsed, it adds   offers free delivery plus free return within 30 days if not
         2.5” of height to the desk on which it sits. While some   satisfied. Their smallest model, a 1-tier desk specifically
         standing desks are raised to a variety of pre-set heights,   for laptops, measures 30” x 10.75” and costs $175. Their
         my desk an be set at any height up to its maximum of   36” 1-tier and 2-tier manual models are priced at $395
         15.5”. That maximum is just right for me at my height of   and their 36” 2-tier electric version is $495.
         5’6”, so if you’re taller you might want a model that rais-
         es to a greater height. One drawback to this desk is that I
         really have to press hard to get it to start down to the   So, as you can see, a lot of choices are available, at prices
         collapsed position and then I must keep a firm grip on it   ranging from about $100 to just under $500. There is the
         to keep it from making a crash landing. I don’t consider
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 12)
         this to be a big deal, even though at 92 I don’t have bulg-
         June 2021                                           11
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