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The Day the

                                  Music App Died

             Google's Play Music app is gone on some Android devices, and soon will be completely gone
                                                       By John Krout

         INTRODUCTION                                                       There are three reasons why that cloud
                                                                            storage approach is not ideal for me.
         I am a music collector. I have a large
         collection of audio CDs; roughly                                   First, that network-intensive method is a
         1,600 songs are on the micro-SD                                    classic way for a dedicated fan of music
         card in my Samsung Galaxy S10                                      to run into the ceiling on cell network
         phone. I bought that phone in late                                 data usage very quickly each month,
         2019, and my carrier recently upgrad-                              with financial penalties for exceeding
         ed the phone’s Android OS to version                               the ceiling, if your carrier contract has
         11.                                                                such a limit.

         I started my Android experience on a                               Second, despite claims that music
         Galaxy S5 phone, which I still own.                                stored in the cloud is available wherever
         That phone runs Android 6. I also                                  you go, there are vast stretches of the
         own two Galaxy tablets, a recently                                 US where data service is minimal or is
         purchased S5e running Android 10,                                  completely absent. Drive through any
         and a much older A model running                                   mountainous area and that becomes
         Android 8.1.0.                                         obvious very quickly. With 5G, which has a much
                                                                shorter range than 4G, that problem will be even
         On February 1, 2021, I started the Play Music app      more acute. The mountains will be the last place car-
         on my Galaxy Tab S5e. The app displayed a screen       riers build the extra towers necessary to make 5G
         stating that Play Music is "no longer available". The   work on every mile of interstates. Don’t count on that
         same announcement recommended installing the           to happen on other mountain highways in the next
         YouTube Music app.                                     ten years.
         You can see that screen in Illustration 1.             Third, there is a privacy issue. Music stored and ac-

                                                                cessed in the cloud is an invitation for the cloud stor-
                                                                age provider to learn about one’s music preferences
                                                                and monetize that knowledge, such as through end-
                                                                less ads.

                                                                WHAT GOOGLE DECIDED TO DO

                                                                I went to my desktop computer and googled the sta-
                                                                tus of the Play Music app. I learned that, in 2020,
                                                                Google announced that the company would no long-
                                                                er support the app as of December 3, 2020.
                                                                That end of support, by itself, does not cause the
         YouTube is owned by Google. The intent of the          app to stop working. I use the Play Music app daily
         YouTube music app is to play music stored "in the                                           (Continued on page 9)

         June 2021                                            8
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