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(Continued from page 1)                               plentiful in the future.

         Bluejeans is a meetings and events platform that        No matter what you plan to do to stay connected,
         empowers organizations with secure video collabo-     you need a video meeting platform that is flexible and
         ration for a work-from-anywhere world.                reliable. Thousands of companies from growing busi-
                                                               nesses to Fortune 500 leaders use Bluejeans every
         How are people using video connections in their       day for video meetings and interactive virtual events,
         personal lives to stay connected in meaningful        so people can work productively where and how they
         ways? Here are the top findings:                      want. For more information, visit

         Sharing festive meals virtually                       * The survey was conducted the week of Nov. 20,
            Nearly half of all respondents (45.11%) said they   2020, by BizRate Insights with a total of 1,013 recipi-
         would celebrate family meals virtually for everyday   ents ranging in age from 18-65+ (350/663 Male/
         events like sporting events, as well as holidays, like   Female).
         Passover and Easter.
         Whether it's cooking a formal meal and enjoying it
         together via video chat or making favorite stadium
         snacks and watching the game together digitally,                  ANNOUNCING
         this trend is growing.

         Attending religious services
         The survey found nearly one-third(31.69%) of peo-              TRUE IMAGE 2021
         ple would consider attending religious services to-
         gether. This helps keep people safe because large
         groups are nOt gathering together indoors. Many.
         will continue to participate in religious services to-
         gether using video conferencing platforms, like                                A
         Bluejeans and others online, for upcoming holidays.
                                                                                                      cronis recent-
         Virtual shopping with friends and family                                                     ly announced
            People who enjoy shopping together are finding                              a major new release of their
         new ways to shop from the safety and comfort of
         their homes. When it comes to shopping habits,                                 award winning backup utili-
         nearly one-third (31.29%) of people would consider                             ty, True Image 2021. The
         gathering with friends and family for virtual shopping                         main addition to this new
         gatherings, while more than half were seeking to                               release is the inclusion of a
         purchase household goods (52.62%) and the others                               full function antimalware
         clothing (50.25%).                                                             utility that guards your com-

         Family gatherings and gaming virtually                                         puter from viruses, ransom-
            Nearly one-third (31.29%) would consider gather-   ware, and website protection. Now, one product can
         ing with friends and family for virtual get-togethers   both protect your computer from malware as well as
         and many others (35.74%) would participate in trivia   provide the best backup system to safeguard your
         games virtually, with friends and family. Pick a date   computer systems and data files. This makes Acronis
         lor an upcoming weekend, send invites to your
         friends and family, and get ready to make memories    True Image 2021 the most important computer utility
         with an awesome virtual game night gathering.         that all end users must run on their computer sys-
         Looking ahead to the future of virtual life
            According to the study, half of people (50.25%)    The new True Image 2021 release comes in four
         would consider attending virtual concerts and enter-  different versions to let you tailor which product best
         tainment via videoconferencing, like Bluejeans,       meets your individual needs -- True Image 2021
         while more than one-third (37.31%) would take up      (Perpetual License), True Image 2021 Essential
         virtual cooking, wine tastings or craft classes in    (Subscription License), True Image 2021 Ad-
         2021. Another 20% expressed interest in adding an
         interactive virtual component to their "watch parties"   vanced (Subscription License), and True Image 2021
         for live broadcasts like sporting events. Whether it's   Premium (Subscription License).
         enjoying a favorite hobby, a get-together with
         friends or a date night in, virtual possibilities are

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