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ly using your muscles helps keep your body strong, and   profits about how you can contribute to their causes.
         even light physical activity a few times each week can
                                                                Especially as funding for charitable organizations has
         help keep your cardiovascular system fit for better heart
                                                                dropped, volunteers are still essential to most nonprofit
         health. Regular exercise can also provide a range of posi-
                                                                organizations, whether the help comes in person or virtu-
         tive mental health outcomes, including reduced stress,
                                                                ally. Even from a distance, you may be able to help with
         anxiety and depression, and improved memory.
                                                                tasks like making calls to donors, assisting with mailings,
                                                                or planning fundraising campaigns.

                                                                              Learn a new hobby or skill.
                                                                Another way to fill your
                                                                free time, and reap some
                                                                positive energy, is to ex-
                                                                plore a new hobby or skill.
                                                                The personal satisfaction of
                                                                learning and focusing your
                                                                mental energy on some-
                                                                thing that interests you can

         Volunteer in your community or consider virtual volun-  help offset the disappoint-
         teering. Helping others is a way to release feelgood en-  ment of bring away from
         dorphins for yourself. While your limited social calendar   those you love.
         may afford you some extra time, inquire with local non-

                                                                ing information for your brilliant idea right away, it’s
                                                                going to take ages. Let that topic sit for a few days,
                                    How to                      though, and you can add new ideas as they occurs
                                                                to you – and when you’re ready to write, you’ll al-
                                  Write an                      ready have all the supporting info you need.
                                                                3. Edit before you start

                                 Article in                     You’ve probably got twice as many ideas as you
                                                                need at this point, so it’s time to be brutal. Cut out
                                                                any supporting idea that doesn’t fit with the main
                              20 Minutes                        topic of the article. Remember, we’re talking about
                                                                how to write an article in 20 minutes, not an epic.
                                                                You can always use the ideas you don’t need for
                                                                later posts.
          1.  Keep an idea list.                                4. Use bullet points
          When inspiration for a post strikes, scribble it down   Bullet points, or numbered points like “10 Ways to
          in a notebook or a word file. For many bloggers and   Get More Subscribers”, can make writing an article
          content creators, finding the topic to write about    a lot simpler in terms of organization because you
          takes up half the time. Keeping an idea list lets you   no longer have to figure out transitions from one
          leap in to a new post quickly when you’re ready to    idea to the next. The great side benefit is that read-
          write.                                                ers like lists; they’re easier for the eye to follow.

          2. Let your ideas incubate.                           5. Keep it short
          If you try to force yourself to come up with support-                                     (Continued on page 21)

         June 2021                                           20
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