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Amazon Sidewalk Neighbors with Sidewalk compati-      and has multiple layers of encryption to prevent hack-
         ble devices will not be able to see the exact street   ers from intercepting data. The company says, “you'll
         address of your Sidewalk Bridge. They will only see   have the option to help your neighbors by sharing
         an approximate location.”                             your Bridge's approximate location to provide benefits
                                                               like helping them locate their pet. Neighbors with
         A new shared network
                                                               Sidewalk compatible devices will not be able to see
         Amazon is gearing up to unveil another way for con-   the exact street address of your Sidewalk Bridge.
         sumers to stay connected and utilize technology in    They will only see an approximate location.”
         their daily lives: Amazon Sidewalk. It is not quite a
         physical gadget that consumers can use—it is a little   You can enable or disable Amazon sidewalk from
         more complex yet appears to be able to enhance        your account.
         consumer usage with smart technology while creat-
         ing innovative experiences.
         Amazon Sidewalk is a shared network that helps
         devices like Amazon Echo devices, Ring Security
         Cams, outdoor lights, motion sensors, and Tile track-
         ers work better at home and beyond your front door.
         Amazon Sidewalk will be enabled by default
         by Amazon on supported devices on June 8, 2021,
         in the United States. ... The company published a
         privacy and security whitepaper that explains in de-
         tail how the system works, and which privacy and      1.  Open the Alexa app
         security protections Amazon implemented.
                                                               2.  Open More and select Settings.
         Sidewalk-enabled devices are devices that connect
         to Sidewalk Bridges to access Ama-                    3.  Select Account Settings.
         zon Sidewalk. Sidewalk-enabled devices will sup-      4.  Select Amazon Sidewalk
         port a range of experiences from helping find pets or   5.  Turn Amazon Sidewalk On or Off for you account.
         valuables, to smart security and lighting, to diagnos-
         tics for appliances and tools.

         Sidewalk does not come without security measures                         YouTube Video

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