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Keep your eye out for the
                                                                                       new monthly Windows 10
                                                                                       SIG Zoom meeting.

                                                               (Continued from page 3)

         The below services have been used by club mem-        There have been several members inquiring about Win-
         bers and have been highly recommended.                dows 11. Just remember that you do not have to run out
                                                               and upgrade tomorrow, after-all, Windows 10 will contin-
         White Box Computers                                   ue to be supported until 2025. The major reason that I can
                                                               see for the release of Windows 11 is security. Some of us
         They say they are the place for all your computer     will find that our present computer will not be capable of
         repairs & upgrades at nearly half the prices of the   running Windows 11 because of the TPM2 chip that is
         competition.                                          required for this security upgrade. Therefore, you may
                                                               just be looking at purchasing a new computer to run Win-
                                                               dows 11.
                                                               As I said, Windows 10 will be supported until 2025, but I
         ZYTEK Services                                        still have computers running Windows XP, Vista, and Win-
                                                               dows 8 and at this time I have no plans to upgrade them.
         Has been around for over 30 years and offers the      The major concern for myself and others will be, will Win-
         best in fast, friendly, high-quality, fair price computer   dows 11 run my favorite programs.
         service solutions
         847-336-2259                                          Remember, Windows is an Operating System that allows
                                                               you to access your favorite programs. There are features
                                                               with in the Operating System to help you organize you
                                                               file, and allow you to customize the way Windows looks
                                                               on you monitor, but I am more concerned about the pro-
                                                               grams whether it be word-processing, video/photo ed-
                                                               iting, genealogy, etc.… I have been able to run many of my
                                                               favorite programs on all previous operating system.
                                                               Therefore, do I really need Windows 11 to continue to
                                                               enjoy my favorite programs.

                                                               Windows 11 is not expected to be released until the end
                                                               of the year. There are a few beta releases available that
                                                               will allow you to play with it. My major suggestion is that
                                                               if you are willing to dive into the barrel of monkeys, do
                                                               not do it on your main usage computer. If you have an
                                                               older computer/laptop that it can be installed on, then
                                                               have fun. If you are happy with what you have now and
                                                               everything is working find, just sit back, and relax and en-
                                                               joy whatever version of Windows is working for you.

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