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your PC is fairly new, it might not be able to run the the option to provide services online.
preview. Hopefully, the requirements will be relaxed While they are still a bit on the techie side of
closer to the "Holiday 2021" release date. Personal things to use, I think these services can be won-
computing was once dominated by PCs, but the cen- derful
ter of gravity is now tilted toward smart-phones and way for retirees to share their knowledge with oth-
tablets. PCs are still important. But most people are ers.
better served by keeping their data in the cloud and
accessing it from handheld devices. Windows 11 Q. If the Apple Watch can track someone's sleep,
clearly reflects this new reality. and it detects if someone falls, when does one
charge it?
Q. I have enjoyed playing the piano all my life. Now A. For several months now I have successfully
that I am retired, I would love to teach music. worn my Apple Watch about 23 hours a day. I use
Is there a way to find students online? it to track my exercise during the day, and my
A. There are services that allow people to create sleep at night.
online courses and make them available for sale, I charge it in the morning as soon as I awaken. I
including Teachable, Udemy, and Skillshare, just to put it on my nightstand charger while I get ready
name a few. Typically, these services take a hefty to start my day. I also charge it while reading be-
percentage of sales in exchange for hosting the fore I go to sleep'.
course. In addition to knowledge about the topic itself, According to Apple, and verified by my experi-
you will need some basic skills in creating video and ence, the Apple Watch will recharge fully in about
navigating a web site to set up a course. an hour. Because I charge the watch twice a day,
These sites have the potential build a following, but it is usually fully charged in about 15 to 20
with dozens of courses in every subject area compet- minutes.
ing for attention, building a course that can stand out Because of the fall detection feature and be-
among the crowd is difficult. cause the watch is waterproof, I am considering
There is also a site dedicated to music "instruction wearing it in the shower on days when I am alone.
called Lessonface. Unlike the services above, Lesson In that case, I need to find a different routine.
face connects teachers and students for live lessons When I first switched from overnight charging to
over the Internet. This model is much closer to tradi- two charges per day, I experimented with different
tional fee-per hour tutoring, utilizing the Internet for routines until I found one that fit my lifestyle. It
video calls. Lessonface fees are far lower when a might take a few weeks of trial and error, but the
teacher finds a student directly, which is great for in- result is well worth the effort.
structors who already have active students and want
(Continued from page 12)
(Western Digital) uses names of colors to differentiate
them. Blue, Green, Gold, Purple, Black and Red have
different reliability levels. So, when you are making
comparisons on a shopping site, as I found out, it can
become quite difficult to compare apples to apples
without close examination.
Even with shopping filters, it became hard for me to
make a good comparison, especially when Spon-
sored, Ad-supported and Best Sellers would sneak
into the list while not meeting any criteria I selected.
SSDs are more expensive than hard disk drives in
terms of dollar per gigabyte. A 1TB internal 2.5-inch
hard drive costs between $40 and $60, but as of this
writing, the very cheapest SSDs of the same capacity
and form factor start around $100.
July/August 2021 16