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SCV Computer Club (SCVCC)

         SCVCC meetings had a QR Codes in Case of an Emer-
         gency video presentation by J. J. Johnson, Founder,
         Lake Area County Computer Enthusiasts -- this is their
         38th year, followed by Creating a Secure Environment on
         Facebook. Then, off to the world of security with Bob Gostis-
         cha giving his Is Cyber Security Really Important? presenta-
         tion where attendees learned that paying attention to Cyber Security is more critical today than ever. (Note: If
         you would like Bob to give his 2021 security presentation to your group in October, National Cyber Security
         Awareness Month [NCSAM], get in touch with Judy Taylour at jtaylour (at) Next, Bill James gave
         his Windows 10 Quick Assist interactive presentation, followed by TeamViewer by John Kennedy. Finally,
         member Dave Melton showed us how AnyDesk can be used to access a PC remotely. The title of their July
         meeting was This 'n That with mini-presentations on Windows 11, How to send files too big to attach to an
         email, Avoid getting hit with Ransomware, 5 travel tips that became 6 tips, How to delete your personal data
         from public record websites, the new FCC regulation that went into effect July 1 to cut down spoofed caller
         ID on robocalls, and how much does Google know about us and how can we limit our exposure.

                             Web Wonders

                                               Weird New Jersey                    Waste Time Online
           Google Takeout                      Grab a slice of N.J that Tony       Just for this site full of
           It sounds like another food de-     Sparano would never be              crack pot post that will
           livery service, but takeout is      caught dead in. The title says it   waste many hours that
           actually a way to find out what     all                                 would be otherwise be put
           Google knows about you.                            to good use.

          Free eBooks                         Inside an Automobile Engine         The Whimsical Web
          Project Gutenberg volunteers have   Hey gorgeous 3D animated look at    This site is a collection of inspired
          donated third time and proofread-   the inner workings but one of the   perspective shifting diversions, eve-
          ing skills to create freely available   most important envisions in history.   rything from hell website appeared
          electronic books since 1971. The  10 years ago to printing money.
          catalog is available online.        engine/                   

          Idyllic Ringtones                   Troubleshooting Continuity          Read to you Grandchildren Online.
          Make your own ringtone can be fun   Troubleshooting continually. This tech  Although this service is priced pricey
          sometimes, but it is hard to find a   support page explains the variations   at $99 a year. I am delighted by the
          quiet one. This collection of ring-  functions that use community on ap-  fact it exists. Especially now. Spend
          tones are utterly delightful. Clearly   ple devices and how to get them   time with a little one in your life by
          elegant in short, they are a beacon   working properly.                 reading stories together via video.
          of tranquility.           

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