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(Continued from page 7)                               •  Click on “Create Filter”.

                                                               Conclusions and Recommendations
                                                               Never reply to or unsubscribe from spam; it just alerts
                                                               the sender that it has a good email address. When
                                                               you get a spam message, click on your program’s
                                                               “Spam” or “Send to Spam” or “Report as spam” to get
                                                               rid of it and help your email provider learn to block
                                                               messages from that server.

                                                               Even though email providers have active programs to
         •  Click on the gear that appears in the upper right   help stop spam, it still comes. What winds up in your
             corner of the Outlook mail window.                inbox is just a small fraction of the trash that is sent
         •  Click on “More mail setting”.                      your way. Spammers are constantly changing tech-
         •  Click on “Safe and blocked Senders”.               niques to defeat any filters.
         •  Click on “Blocked senders”.
         •  Enter the unwanted email address in the            You can work around the problem by creating and
             “Blocked                                          maintaining a “junk” or “throw down” email address
             email address or domain” rectangle.               that you know will be mostly spam. When I have to
         •  Click on “Add to list>>”                           give out an email address to a website that I feel
                                                               might be questionable, I provide the junk address and
                                             Your updated      avoid possible spam in my “good” inboxes.
                                             list of blocked
                                             senders will be
                                             saved automat-    David Kretchmar
                                             ically.           Computer Technician
                                                               Sun City Summerlin Computer Club

         •  Click on the Settings gear that appears on the
             upper right corner of the Gmail window.
         •  Click on “Filters” near the top middle of the
         •  Click on “Create a new filter” at the bottom of the
         •  Enter the unwanted email address in the “From”
         •  Click on “Create filter with this search>>”.
         •  Click on “Delete it”.

         July/August 2021                                     8
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