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August speaker John Kennedy
APCUG Advisor, Regions 6/7; Chair, Teaching Program, East
Central Ohio Technology User Club.
John is also a member of the APCUG Speakers Bu- citizen computer classes in a joint venture be-
reau; he has done a number of web presentations for tween the ECOTUC and the Licking County Ag-
computer groups around the country and has often
presented at regional conferences in Ohio. John got ing Program. Known around his area as “Free
his feet wet with computers in the early 80’s with his John,” John does just about everything on the
first Atari personal computer. From that he continued computer with free and open source software; that
with different mainline PCs until he built his first com- even includes his preferred operating system:
puter when he retired. Linux. John also spends many hours helping both
Windows users and Linux users with their com-
John taught elementary school for 25 years and fin- puter problems. In addition to heading the Senior
ished his teaching career by teaching computer skills Teaching Program, he co-hosts ECOTUC’s “Linux
to middle schoolers for 10 years. During those years Help Desk/SIG” that meets twice a month, and
he was introduced to the Linux operating system. has helped start the “Windows Help Me/Show Me”
Since retiring he has spent his time teaching senior Help Desk/SIG that meets monthly.
The Lake County Area Computer Enthusiast (LCACE) ran into prob-
lems during the pandemic with their elections. When they were sup-
posed to elect new officers in 2020, they could not meet, so they
agreed to stay on an extra year. But then, when they were meeting
over Zoom in 2021, they did not have enough members to conduct
an election again. And again, the officers agreed to stay on another
year to get back to having elections in even years. A big thank you
goes to all officers who are going beyond their agreed time to serve
3rd Quarter 2021 their group
July/August 2021 5