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July/August 2021 Volume 38 Issue 05
By Dorothy Fitch
I recently had a use for an additional phone num- • You temporarily want a phone number that you
ber. Google Voice to the rescue! It's free (for calls can delete later.
within the U.S.), works nicely, and is easy to use. • You want a phone number for a different U.S.
Here is what I learned in the process. city.
What is Google Voice? Google Voice is a soft- • You have a side gig, perhaps selling hand-
ware tool that allows you to obtain a free phone crafted items, and don't want to use your own phone
number. It can't be your only phone number and you number for that business.
need a Google account. You can set up a Gmail ac- You want a phone number for specific people to use,
count for free if you don't already have one. It such as family members.
doesn't require any hardware or physical phone I recently read of two teachers in Maryland who set
(other than what you already own). up a Google Voice phone number for seniors to call
if they needed help setting up a Covid vaccination
Why would you want an additional phone num- appointment. The possibilities are endless.
ber? Here are a few reasons: (Continued on page 6)
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