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Hi, this is Jasmine Blue D'Katz again asking  you to write   es in technology.
         an article for the club newsletter.
                                                               I have found it somewhat easy to write these reviews be-
         If you have been an avid reader of our newsletter, you   cause I follow the following guidelines:
         have probably read several of my articles. I like to share
                                                                      • Briefly describe the product or service
         information about new purchases that have shown up
         on my doorstep and every time I get a chance to get my       • Write with details
         little paws on the keypad of the iPad or computer it         • Use complete sentences
         compiles me to share this information with you.
                                                                      • Include useful descriptive words.
         Although I have only been in the world for a little over
                                                                      • Personalize your review
         six years, (yes, I am only six years old) and spend most of
         my day sleeping in my katz tree or a box that the new        • Position the product or service among its peers
         item came in. I spend a lot of my playtime sniffing out      • Include a sample
         the new products around the house. I am always excited
                                                                      • Keep it truthful
         when the Amazon truck pulls up and I know I am going
         to get my paws on a new product and express my        These are a few of the things that should be considered,
         thoughts on something that's other members of my      but there are more. Let your word flow as though you are
         computer club might be interested in. Although all these   going through each set of opening the package, reading
                                                               the manual, installing/setting up, and operating the prod-
         products may not be computer-related, most are still
                                                               uct. This lets us know your likes and dislikes of the product.
         some types of new technology that someone may find
                                                               Let us know where or how you obtained the product and
                                                               lastly, would you recommend this product to other mem-
         Your review does not have to be a product or service.   bers.
         During meetings, members speak about computer, tab-
                                                               I have felt somewhat lonely over the past couple of years
         lets, or smartphone tricks and tips that can be shared by   by not seeing reviews from fellow club members, and I
         writing a brief sentence or paragraph about it and sub-  know the editor has asked on numerous occasions for sub-
         mitting it to the newsletter editor. New technology is   mission.
         also our goal to keep our members up to date on chang-
                                                               I will be looking forward to reading your article soon.

         July/August 2021                                     9
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