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David Kretchmar
                                                                                        Computer Technician
                                                                                        Sun City Summerlin
                                                                                        Computer Club

            Blocking Unwanted Email

         Sooner or later this happens to all of us. You con-   tion.
         tinuously receive unwanted emails, (spam) from an
         individual or organization. Legitimate organizations   Each of these programs allows you to use a list of
         usually have an Unsubscribe button within their       blocked senders for individual senders whose mes-
         message, which enables you to be dropped from         sages you don't want to receive but can't easily stop.
         their email list. If you attempt to unsubscribe from a
         less-than-legitimate mailer you are just confirming
         that your email address is good and even more
         spam will come your way.

         Some individuals will not respect your request to     Yahoo Mail can block all mail from up to 500 email
         stop sending (usually forwarding) you useless or      addresses. All mail from these senders will be auto-
         offensive messages; more charitably they might        matically deleted before you see it. To have Yahoo!
         lack the knowledge to be able to remove you from      Mail automatically delete all mail from a particular ad-
         their mail distribution list.                         dress:

                                 Unwanted emails can be        •  Left mouse click (hereafter I’ll just say click if it’s
                                 more than just bother-           left) or just put your cursor on the settings gear in
                                 some or offensive. Some          the upper right corner of the Yahoo Mail page.
                                 contain viruses that can      •  Click on “Mail Options” from the pull-down menu
                                 render your system use-          that has appeared.
                                 less and destroy your da-     •  Click “Blocked Addresses” category under Ad-
                                 ta. Some people have had         vanced Options.
         to abandon email addresses when they received         •  Enter the unwanted email address under “Add an
         many dozens of unwanted emails every day.                address:”.
                                                               •  Click on “+”.
         Fortunately, all email programs have a feature that
         will allow you to block all emails from specific email   Your updated list of blocked senders will be saved
         addresses.                                            automatically.

         I’m going to describe the email blocking procedures
         for three popular web-based email programs: Ya-
         hoo Mail, Outlook, and Gmail. If you are using
         another email provider, the described procedures
         can be used to at least point you in the right direc-
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 8)
         July/August 2021                                     7
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