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Days are getting shorter, and the leaf’s will be falling   iors and
         soon. But I have to say, we have had some pleasant     each week he gives us the Avast Security News Roundup.
         weather. Not looking forward to the white stuff falling.   There are a lot of bad guys out there looking to screw up
                                                                your computer life.

         Speaking of weather, both Phil and I have had our share
         of hospitals this month. Phil had a heart problem, but he   Speaking of Tech for Seniors, for the past several months,
         contacted me and said all is well. As for me, I just had my   I have enjoyed watching each episode every Monday
         second knee done and hope to be up and running when    morning. Even the chat session before and after is learn-
         we get back to our in-person meetings. Phil also in-   ing experience and getting the chance to listen to other
         formed me that our request for the meeting room at the   attendees for all over the county. My favorite part of the
         bank has been approved for our holiday party.          show is listening to What Ray Bryant has to say about mu-
                                                                sical talents from Yesteryear.
         In June, we had Judy Taylour (APCUG) give us her “All
         Things Google” presentation. I hope that there was
         something that you were able to take away from that.   As well as Tech for Senior, I am attending Zoom meetings
         We have a few more exciting presentations scheduled for   with other computer and technology. clubs from Califor-
         you in the upcoming months.
                                                                nia, Oklahoma, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Florida. Some of
                                                                these groups meet more than once a month with special
                                                                SIGs. I recently had to opportunity to have lunch in Mil-
         This month we have our own APCUG advisor, John Ken-
         nedy giving us the lowdown on some great and useful    waukee with the WAUC (Wisconsin All User Computer)
         FREE software that is available. John is known as “FREE   group. This was their first outing since the pandemic, but
         John” because of his knowledge of what is out there.   they are still having virtual meetings.
         Some of these programs you may have heard of and
         some you may not. Anyway, you may see something that   While attending the Oklahoma zoom meeting a few
         you want to add to your system.
                                                                months ago, I was asked to give my QR Code for Health
                                                                presentation, and I have also done it for other group. This
                                                                is one of the groups that has gone to hybrid meeting,
         In September we have Kenneth Tubaugh giving us a
         demo of Bitwarden which is a highly rated password     while having about fifteen people in their meeting room,
         manager program. If you do not have a password manag-  there were about the same numbers attending via zoom.
         er then after seeing this demo, you might want to try out   During the pandemic, Zoom has become extremely popu-
         the FREE version Bitwardin. You can upgrade to the paid   lar with many computer groups, although there have
         version for a few more bell and whistles. I’ve loaded this   been a few that could not grasp the concept and sadly
         on one of my computers and now I have a backup of all   have not been meeting at all. Our attendance has been
         my passwords.                                          down since we have been zooming and several members
                                                                just refuses to zoom and do not plan to attend until we

                                                                are back to in-person meetings. I’m exploring the possibil-
         October is National Security month and I have lined up   ity for us to produce   hybrid meetings, this would give
         Bob G to give us the straight skinny on how to keep safe   our members the option attends an in-person of zoom
         on the internet. Bob is a weekly regular on Tech for Sen-  meeting, especially when we get inclement weather.
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 18)
         July/August 2021                                     3
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