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“Members Helping Lake County Area
(since 1983) Computer Enthusiasts
Board of Directors
2020-2021 c/o Group Ambassador
President “J.J.” Johnson
Phil Bock News Journal
Vice President The LCACE News Journal is published eleven times annually. Members are
Linda Busch encouraged to submit contributions which will be acknowledged in this newslet-
vicepresi- ter. Send articles to Permission is granted to reproduce any or all parts of this newsletter in other User Group publications, provided that credit
is given to LCACE and the individual author (s). Logo designed on an Atari Sta-
Bobby Jacobs cy Laptop in 1989 by Dwight Johnson Jr. Membership
Treasurer LCACE membership is open to all individuals and families interested in personal
Judy Dunham computing. Annual dues are $20.00 per individual/family. Applications for mem- bership may be obtained at the monthly meeting, by request on the club hotline,
Programs and are now available on our web site at
Linda Rohlfing Meetings
LCACE meetings are usually held on Saturdays at the Grayslake Area Public
Membership Library, 100 Library Lane, Grayslake, Illinois. The meeting room opens at noon
J.J. Johnson and the formal meeting begins at 12:30 p.m. All meetings are open to the public. Bring a friend!
Public Relations Newsletter Submissions
Linda Koudelka Club members are welcome to submit classified ads, reviews, tips and other arti-
cles for publication, to our newsletter editor in Microsoft Word format (.doc).
Volunteers Publication deadline is the 20th of the month for all ads and articles.
Please do not use tabs or special formatting.
J. J. Johnson Newsletter Advertising
Ad rates per issue: Full page - $25, Half page - $15, Quarter page - $10, Busi-
Newsletter Editor ness Card - $5. Discounts are available on advance purchase of multiple issues.
Mike McEnery Please send camera-ready copy and payment to the club address by the 15th of the month preceding publication. For more information on ad pricing, please call
our Hotline. Ads are FREE to all paid members.
Lester Larkin Notice
LCACE WILL NOT CONDONE or knowingly participate in copyright infringe-
ment of any kind. The LCACE News Journal is published by and for LCACE
members. Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do
not necessarily reflect the opinion of LCACE, the membership, the board of di-
rectors, and/or our advertisers.
July/August 2021 2